本文选题:杨善栋教授 + 扶阳育阴 ; 参考:《安徽中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: professor Yang Shandong has been engaged in the clinical practice of TCM for more than 40 years. After more than 40 years of clinical practice, Mr. Yang Shendong has gradually formed his unique thinking and methods of diagnosis and treatment. Especially in the diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases, gynecological diseases have a unique effect, so it is of great significance to study and summarize Professor Yang Shandong's academic thought and clinical experience. This paper introduces Professor Yang Shandong's experience in the treatment of geriatric diseases from the aspects of etiology and pathogenesis, treatment methods and examples of cases. It is pointed out that deficiency of yang qi and deficiency of Yin fluid are the key factors of aging and disease in the elderly. The health and longevity of the elderly mainly depend on their own yang qi and the balance of yin and yang. To study the clinical curative effect of Fuyang Yuyin prescription and Peiyuan Tongnao recipe on acute ischemic apoplexy of kidney deficiency and blood stasis type. Method 1: 1. Through literature retrieval, consulting monographs and consulting with teachers to sum up, summarize and refine Professor Yang Shandong's experience. 60 cases of acute ischemic stroke with kidney deficiency and blood stasis were randomly divided into treatment group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). In the control group, 30 cases were treated with western medicine alone. The clinical neurological deficit score and the activity of daily living (ADL) score were observed before and after treatment in the two groups. The result is 1: 1. Professor Yang Shandong's main academic thoughts in the treatment of geriatric diseases are as follows: Fuyang Yin-nourishing method for the treatment of geriatric diseases, complicated diseases, chronic and obstinate diseases, and "aconite", etc., as well as "Radix Rehmanniae," and Cornus officinalis. Lycium barbarum "and other Yin products, often can be sick, cure stubborn disease. 2." The neurological deficit score and ADL score in the treatment group were significantly improved compared with the control group, which significantly reduced the disability rate and fatality rate of the patients. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. Conclusion: professor Yang Shandong has accumulated rich clinical experience for more than 40 years. The purpose of this study is to sum up Yang Shandong's clinical experience and academic thought. The therapeutic effect of Peiyuantong Nao recipe on acute ischemic stroke of kidney deficiency and blood stasis type was studied. It was found that it could significantly improve the neurological function defect and daily living ability of acute ischemic stroke with kidney deficiency and blood stasis.
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