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发布时间:2018-06-26 17:54

  本文选题:祛风化湿汤 + 风湿型 ; 参考:《云南中医学院》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:观察和研究以祛风化湿,补肺益肾为原则,以灯盏花为君药的自拟方“祛风化湿汤”配合西医常规治疗,治疗慢性肾炎(证型属风湿型)的临床疗效,以及本方对此型患者的相关实验室指标的影响,进而对祖国医学中祛风化湿法治疗慢性肾炎(上述证型)的综合疗效做出客观评价,继承发扬吾师经验。方法:1.选取符合纳入标准的病患72例,以随机单盲法平均分为两组(试验组、对照组)。2.服药方法:1)试验组:除每日服用自拟方“祛风化湿汤”外,余治疗方案与对照组同;祛风化湿汤服法:采用医院煎药机煎药,每剂煎出3袋(150 ml/袋),于三餐后半小时温服。2)对照组:应用西医常规及对症治疗(高血压降压,高血脂降血脂、感染的抗感染、高凝予抗凝、水肿予利尿消肿等,若同时患有其他并发症或伴发症,则予相应的治疗)。4.疗程:本次试验设定一个疗程为30天,需连续观察3个疗程。5.试验结束后立即做一般生命体征、血常规、肝功、肾功等检查,评价服药的安全性。6.注意事项:本次试验研究方案必须严格执行,如期完成整个疗程的各个步骤。结果:1.选取的72例患者中,有12例(被剔除和脱落)未被纳入最终研究。对试验前两组患者的各项资料经对比后,差异无统计学意义,具有可比性,可以开始临床研究。2.经过3个月治疗后,试验组的总有效率为83.33%;对照组总有效率53.67%。两组比较有显著差异。3.试验组在降低实验室指标(尿蛋白、尿红细胞、24h尿蛋白)和改善中医各症状方面(如泡沫尿、血尿、腰困重等),效果优于对照组。4.对两组患者安全性指标进行分析,如一般生命体征(T、P、R、BP)、血常规(HGB、RBC、WBC、PLT)、以及肝肾功(ALT、AST,UREA、SCR)等,差异无统计学意义。结论:用祛风化湿汤治疗风湿型慢性肾炎患者能收到确切疗效,其在改善临床症状和降低各类相关实验室指标(蛋白尿、血尿、24小时尿蛋白定量等)方面,试验组明显更优。
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe and study the clinical effect of expelling wind and removing dampness, tonifying the lung and tonifying the kidney, and taking breviscapus as the monarch medicine to treat chronic glomerulonephritis with expelling wind and removing dampness decoction and western medicine routine treatment, and to study the clinical effect of treating chronic nephritis (syndrome type belongs to rheumatism type). And the influence of this prescription on the related laboratory indexes of this type of patients, and then make an objective evaluation on the comprehensive curative effect of dispelling wind and removing dampness in the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis (the above-mentioned syndrome type) in traditional Chinese medicine, and inherit and carry forward our teacher's experience. Method 1: 1. Seventy-two patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into two groups (trial group, control group). Test group: except for "expelling wind and removing dampness decoction", the remaining treatment plan was the same as the control group. The control group was treated with routine and symptomatic treatment (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, anti-infection, hypercoagulant, diuretic swelling, etc. If you have other complications or complications at the same time, be treated accordingly) .4. Course of treatment: the trial set a course of 30 days, need to observe 3 courses of treatment. 5. Immediately after the trial, do general vital signs, blood routine, liver function, kidney function, etc., to evaluate the safety of taking drugs. 6. Note: the trial program must be strictly carried out to complete the entire course of treatment steps. The result is 1: 1. Of the 72 selected patients, 12 (removed and dropped) were not included in the final study. After comparing the data of the two groups before the trial, the difference was not statistically significant and comparable, and the clinical study could be started. 2. 2. After 3 months treatment, the total effective rate was 83.33 in the experimental group and 53.67 in the control group. There was a significant difference between the two groups. The experimental group was superior to the control group in reducing the laboratory indexes (urine protein, urine erythrocyte 24 hours urine protein) and improving the symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine (such as foam urine, hematuria, waist weight, etc.). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of safety indexes, such as general vital signs (TBP), blood routine test (HGBRBC), and liver and kidney function (alt). Conclusion: the treatment of rheumatic chronic glomerulonephritis with expelling wind and removing dampness decoction can get definite curative effect. The experimental group is better in improving clinical symptoms and reducing all kinds of related laboratory indexes (proteinuria, hematuria, 24 hours urine protein quantification, etc.).


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