[Abstract]:In recent years , it has been shown that the formation of pain perception is widely distributed in the brain and the neural network associated with the central structures in the cortex is involved in coding , processing and regulation .
The disappearance time of the ear was at least 63 minutes , the average disappearance time was 76.2 min . 3 . The number of deflection of the front and hind limbs of the model group was significantly increased ( P0.001 , P0.001 ) .
In the high dose group , the number of deflection of the forelimbs and hind limbs could be significantly decreased ( P0.001 , P0.01 ) .
There was no significant influence on the number of deflection of the forelimbs ( P0.05 ) .
4 . There was no significant difference ( P 0.05 , P 0.01 , P 0.001 ) . Objective To study the effect of Zhengtian Pill on the synaptic transmission of preperal - dentate gyrus in the hippocampus of rats . The results were compared with blank group . Conclusion In the electrophysiological experiment of the whole rat , glyceryl trinitrate - induced headache can significantly reduce the amplitude of PS in the pre - hippocampal puncture - dentate gyrus ;
Low , high and Sibianling could significantly increase the value of PS in the pre - wear - dentate gyrus ;
The effect of Zhengtian Pill on the synaptic transmission of Shaffer ' s side branch - CA1 pathway in hippocampus was studied .
Compared with model group , the slope of fEPSP increased significantly after high frequency stimulation ( P 0.001 , P0.01 , P0.01 ) . Conclusion In the electrophysiological experiment of acute hippocampal slices , glyceryl trinitrate - induced headache can significantly decrease the slope amplitude of fEPSP in the Shaffer - CA1 region of the brain slices .
In the fourth part , the effects of Zhengtian Pill on the expression of TRPV protein in hippocampus and cortex of rat hippocampus were studied . The results showed that the expression level of TRpv1 protein in hippocampus and cortex of rats was significantly higher than that in blank group ( P0.01 , P0.01 ) .
Compared with the model group , the expression of TRpv1 protein in hippocampus and cortex of the high - dose group was significantly lower than that in model group ( P0.01 , P0.05 ) . Conclusion It may be an important molecular mechanism for the clinical treatment of headache .
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