发布时间:2018-07-26 15:06
【摘要】:目的:探究老年人低密度脂蛋白基线水平并做中医证候分析,了解老年人低密度脂蛋白基线水平以及中医证型分布情况,为优化中国老年人降脂方案提供一定的依据。方法:随机收集562例住院的老年患者,以望、闻、问、切为原则,通过刻下症及其舌脉,并参考《中药新药临床研究指导原则(试行)》(2002年)进行中医辨证分型,记录其入院LDL检查结果。所有数据采用SPSS20.0统计软件进行统计,采用的方法有卡方检验、单因素方差分析、相关性分析等。结果:562例老年患者中最小60岁,最大94岁,平均年龄72.61±9.462岁,年龄分组60~69岁,70~79岁,≥80岁。LDL平均值为2.9076±0.74492 mmol/L,本研究以LDL平均值为低密度脂蛋白基线水平,LDL水平与年龄呈负相关,相关性检验P0.05,呈显著相关。说明伴随年龄递增LDL水平呈现明显递减趋势,这可能与饮食摄入情况有一定联系。痰湿阻遏型有270例,脾肾阳虚型有78例,肝肾阴虚型有95例,阴虚阳亢型有48例,气滞血瘀型有71例。各证型平均年龄的分布总趋势为:痰湿阻遏型阴虚阳亢型脾肾阳虚型肝肾阴虚型气滞血瘀型。痰湿阻遏型患者无论是在数量上还是平均年龄上都超过其余证型,可能是因为老年患者正气亏虚,脏腑功能衰退,水液输布障碍,不能化气生津,而致痰浊。肝肾阴虚和阴虚阳亢的患者LDL平均值较其他证型高,但通过统计学分析各中医证型LDL水平的分布无明显的不同,这可能是由于本调查研究的样本量较少,不能说明LDL水平与中医证候之间的相关性。结论:1.562例老年患者LDL平均值为2.9076±0.74492mmol/L,这与国内部分地区老年患者LDL基线水平的研究调查结果基本相似,与美国及部分欧洲国家老年患者LDL基线水平的调查结果相比较低,因此这个结果对于完善安全有效的老年人降脂治疗方案有一定意义。2.本研究发现60~69岁老年患者低密度脂蛋白平均值较70岁以上老年人的要高,随着年龄的增长,LDL平均值呈递减趋势,根据本研究LDL在各年龄段分布情况可发现随着年龄递增LDL水平也呈现明显递减趋势。3.老年患者中痰湿阻遏证较为常见,可能由于老年人正气亏虚,脏腑功能衰退,水液输布障碍,化气生津不利,易生痰浊。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the baseline level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the elderly and to analyze the TCM syndromes in order to find out the baseline level of LDL and the distribution of TCM syndromes in order to provide a basis for optimizing the program of lipid reduction in the elderly in China. Methods: 562 elderly inpatients were randomly collected. According to the principle of looking, hearing, asking and cutting, TCM syndrome differentiation was carried out by engraving the syndrome and tongue pulse, and referring to the guiding principles of Clinical Research of New Chinese Medicine (trial) (2002). The results of LDL examination were recorded. All the data are counted by SPSS20.0 software. The methods used are chi-square test, single factor analysis of variance, correlation analysis and so on. Results among the 562 elderly patients, the youngest was 60 years old, the oldest was 94 years old, the average age was 72.61 卤9.462 years, and the age group was 6069 years old and 70 to 79 years old. The mean value of LDL 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the baseline level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the elderly and to analyze the TCM syndromes in order to find out the baseline level of LDL and the distribution of TCM syndromes in order to provide a basis for optimizing the program of lipid reduction in the elderly in China. Methods: 562 elderly inpatients were randomly collected. According to the principle of looking, hearing, asking and cutting, TCM syndrome differentiation was carried out by engraving the syndrome and tongue pulse, and referring to the guiding principles of Clinical Research of New Chinese Medicine (trial) (2002). The results of LDL examination were recorded. All the data are counted by SPSS20.0 software. The methods used are chi-square test, single factor analysis of variance, correlation analysis and so on. Results among the 562 elderly patients, the youngest was 60 years old, the oldest was 94 years old, the average age was 72.61 卤9.462 years, and the age group was 6069 years old and 70 to 79 years old. The mean value of LDL 鈮,