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发布时间:2018-07-29 18:53
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the syndrome of channels and collaterals in Huangdi Internal Classic, and to provide literature basis for the establishment of syndrome differentiation system of meridians and collaterals. Methods 1: 1 confirmed the base of the study and the reference of the school. According to the related research results of bibliography and versioning, we selected the commonly accepted texts Lingshu Sutra and Huangdi Nei Sutra as the basis for the study. The more recognized "Lingshu Sutra", "Huangdi Nei Sutra", "Huangdi Acupuncture and moxibustion Sutra" and "Huangdi Internal Classic Taisu" were selected as reference to define the connotation of meridian disease, and to determine the inclusion category of meridian disease. (3) extracting meridians and collaterals. By using the method of document collation and referring to the viewpoints contained in reference to the original text, the article analyzes the original text of the Internal Classic one by one, and marks the whole disease of the original text of the Classic of Internal Classic. According to the basic connotation of meridian disease, the disease related to meridians and collaterals is extracted. The disease of meridian and collaterals is input into the computer, and the basic database is established to refer to the terminology of modern TCM diseases. The syndromes of meridians and collaterals were classified and classified, and the characteristics of syndromes of meridians and collaterals were defined. Results 1053 names of meridians and collaterals were extracted from the original text of "Internal Classic", 260 of the same symptoms were excluded, and the remaining 793 were classified into 15 categories, including pain, arthralgia and abnormal limb function. Disorders of mood, cold and heat, abnormal sleep, abnormal physique, accumulation, hemorrhage, head and neck, chest and flank, abdomen, eryin, gynecology, other diseases; 3 according to the list of modern TCM symptoms, 793 meridians and collaterals were classified into 95 modern TCM symptoms. In addition, there are 14 meridians and collaterals, 25 skin color disorders and 2 other diseases. The list of symptoms of modern Chinese medicine cannot be completely classified. Or not completely in accordance with the "Internal Classic" Meridian Disease. The original meaning: 4 defined the connotation of 95 diseases. 5 preliminarily explored the syndrome characteristics of the "Internal Classic > Meridian Disease." Conclusion the diseases of meridian and collaterals are numerous in number and wide in scope. The list of symptoms of modern Chinese medicine can not classify the symptoms of meridian and collaterals completely. 2 the symptoms of meridian and collaterals are the most common, and pain has the characteristics of meridians and meridians. (3) the basic connotations of some meridians and collaterals diseases are not completely consistent with the basic connotations of modern Chinese medicine. The symptoms of meridians and collaterals are mostly manifested in the form of syndromes, and the symptoms should include symptoms that are unfavorable to the meridians or which block the channels and collaterals. Meridian Qi and blood changes in the disease, meridian-related viscera disease.


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