[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of periodic sequential therapy of traditional Chinese medicine on primary dysmenorrhea of kidney deficiency and blood stasis type, and to explore its mechanism. And from the point of view of tonifying the kidney and regulating the week, and expounding the mechanism of its action, it provides the basis for further clinical popularization and application. Methods: 40 cases of primary dysmenorrhea with kidney deficiency and blood stasis were randomly divided into treatment group (n = 20) and control group (n = 20). The treatment group was followed by tonifying kidney and helping yang / warming meridian to relieve pain, while the control group was Guizhi Fuling capsule / Sanjie analgesia capsule. After 3 menstrual cycles, the curative effect was compared before and after treatment, and the total effective rate of TCM symptoms and dysmenorrhea symptoms was obtained. Serum sex hormone level (Pe 2), hemorheology and other indicators have been improved. Results: the total effective rate of 20 patients with primary dysmenorrhea of kidney deficiency and blood stasis type was 80.0 after one course of treatment, and the TCM syndromes, dysmenorrhea symptoms and hemorheology indexes of the patients after treatment. Serum sex hormone index was significantly improved compared with that before treatment. Conclusion 1. The sequential therapy of tonifying kidney and helping yang / warming the meridian to stop pain can improve the symptoms of TCM and dysmenorrhea in patients with primary dysmenorrhea of kidney deficiency and blood stasis. It is a safe and effective treatment method, which is worth popularizing and further studying. The sequential therapy of tonifying kidney and helping yang / warming the meridian and relieving pain can improve the hemorheology state of PD patients with kidney deficiency and blood stasis, the content of estradiol and progesterone in serum, and improve the endocrine state. On this basis, it can even regulate the luteal dysfunction and ovulation disorder in these patients, which is worthy of further exploration.
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