[Abstract]:The theory of "five viscera and six Fu coughs" was put forward by the Huangdi Neijing, which laid a framework for the treatment of coughing by later physicians. The theory of typhoid and cold disease, written by Zhang Zhongjing, a famous medical scientist in the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is the earliest specialized book on diagnosis and treatment of miscellaneous diseases in China, and it first created a syndrome differentiation and treatment system of the six meridians. A disease. Chronic cough belongs to the category of "long cough" and "cough" in Chinese medicine. Zhang Zhongjing's treatment of coughing follows "Huangdi Neijing" and does not muddy in the Yellow Emperor's internal classics. It expounds the incisive and complete prescriptions of various causes of coughing. The author analyzes the syndrome differentiation and treatment of Zhang Zhongjing's chronic cough by analyzing the typical provisions of the theory of typhoid and miscellaneous diseases. And prescriptions for reference.
【作者单位】: 泰国那空叻差是玛大学;成都中医药大学;
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