[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of Wuzangwenyang Huayu recipe in treating vascular dementia of Yang deficiency type, and evaluate its efficacy in treating VD of yang deficiency type, so as to provide a basis for its better clinical application and new drug development. Methods: according to the diagnostic criteria of VD, 90 patients with VD were randomly divided into treatment group and control group with 45 patients in each group. The treatment group was treated with Wuzangwenyang Huayu granule (200ml / d) and the control group (control group) was given one tablet of Donepezil Hydrochloride once a day for 12 weeks as a course of treatment. To observe the changes of cognitive function score, daily behavior score and TCM syndrome score before and after treatment, and to analyze and evaluate the drug safety, clinical recovery rate and total effective rate. Results: (1) Clinical efficacy: 43 patients in the treatment group, the effective rate was 37.21, the total effective rate was 90.69 and the control group was 44. The effective rate was 27.27% and the total effective rate was 84.09. The difference between the two groups was significant (P0.05), which indicated that the treatment group was superior to the control group. (2) MMSE score and ADL score: after treatment, the cognitive function score and the daily behavior ability score of the treatment group and the control group were improved to some extent. There were significant differences between the two groups before and after treatment (P0.05), indicating that the cognitive function and ADL of the two groups were significantly improved. After treatment, There was no significant difference in the scores of cognitive function and ADL between the treatment group and the control group (P0.05), which indicated that the cognitive function and daily living ability of VD patients with WZQ warming Yang and removing Blood stasis Formula were improved with Donepezil Hydrochloride. (3) TCM syndromes score: two groups of TCM syndrome score before and after treatment were compared within the group and between groups, The treatment group was significantly better than the control group (P0.05), indicating that Wuzangwenyang Huayu prescription in mild and moderate kidney yang deficiency type vascular dementia patients improved the situation of TCM syndromes significantly better than Donepezil hydrochloride. (4) Safety evaluation: two groups of patients after treatment blood routine? Urine routine? Defecation routine, electrocardiogram and liver and kidney function were not significantly changed (P = 0.05), and no adverse reactions such as allergies were found in the course of medication. It shows that both Wuzang Wenyang Huayu recipe and Donepezil Hydrochloride have no toxic side effects and are safe and reliable. Conclusion: Wuzangwenyang Huayu prescription is effective in treating vascular dementia with deficiency of Yang, and is superior to the control group. It has no toxic side effects and adverse reactions, so it has good clinical application value.
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