[Abstract]:Objective: 1. through the systematic evaluation and meta analysis of the curative effect and safety of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) by using Chinese traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying kidney and governor, to provide primary evidence-based evidence for the treatment of AS by reinforcing kidney and governor method,.2. is random, contrast, forward-looking clinical study and objective evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine. The therapeutic effect of AS on joint functional status and imaging, and to reveal its anti ossification potential, and to provide reference.3. to Connexin43 (Cx43) as a target for large sample and multi center randomized controlled study, to investigate the effect of tonifying kidney and governor prescription drugs on the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of rat fibroblasts cultured in vitro. To discuss the mechanism of reinforcing kidney and governor method against AS heterotopic ossification and providing scientific evidence for its clinical efficacy. Methods: 1. systematic evaluation system was used to evaluate the literature of the clinical randomized controlled study on the treatment of AS by reinforcing kidney and governor method in the last 30 years. Through the analysis of the literature, the subject words were retrieved, and the computing machine retrieved PubMed (1985/2015-5), Embase (1985/2015-5). ScienceDirect (1985/2015-5), CBM (1985/2015-5), VIP (1985/2015-5), CNKI (1985/2015-5) and WANFANG (1985/2015-5), use Note express to carry out the management of the literature database. 30 AS patients with cold syndrome were randomly divided into the traditional Chinese medicine test group and the western medicine control group, 15 cases in each of the two groups, all with functional exercise as the basic treatment. The test group took tonifying kidney and Qiang Du Zhi Tang Decoction plus subtraction, and the control group was treated with celecoxib for 48 weeks, using the CRP based AS disease activity index recommended by the ASAS working group (ASDAS-CRP For the main therapeutic evaluation criteria, and through the pasteurized AS function index (BASFI), the pasteurized AS measurement index (BASMI) and the thoracic activity degree, the AS life quality questionnaire (ASQoL) and the sacroiliac joint NMR (MRI), the clinical effect of the combination of the kidney and the strong governor (MRI) for the treatment of AS in the functional state and image of the joint was evaluated, and its anti ossification potential.3. experiment was preliminarily discussed. The effect of tonifying kidney and Qiang Du Zhi Zhi Decoction on fibroblast proliferation was studied by MTS method, and the effect of invigorating kidney and Qiang Du Zhi Zhi Decoction on the expression of osteoblast marker protein and Cx43 protein in fibroblasts was investigated by WB method. Results: 1. 923 articles were first detected, 214 articles were excluded, non randomized controlled trials, animal tests, review, 673 experiences, 23 articles that were excluded from the inclusion / exclusion criteria were excluded from research design, intervention measures and outcome indicators, including 13 articles and 972 cases. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine based on reinforcing the kidney and strengthening the kidney was treated for the treatment of AS, the standard 20 (ASAS20), the improvement rate of TCM syndrome, the ESR, the Visual Analogue Scale/Score, VAS, and the lumbar activity (Schober) higher than that of the western medicine group (RR= 1.19 [1.03, 1.24], VAS, 1.17). .28], Z=3.44, P=0.0006; MD=-0.62 [-1.08, -0.17], Z=2.67, P=0.008; MD=-14.23 [-22.58, -5.88], Z=3.34. (SPARCC score) (P0.05), but no significant improvement on BASMI and thoracic activity (P0.05), there was no significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). In the improvement of AS joint sclerosis, erosion and osteophyte formation, the traditional Chinese medicine test group was superior to the western medicine group (P0.05).3. experiment to study the fibroblast fineness of tonifying kidney and strong governor prescription drugs to rats. Cell proliferation had a inhibitory effect, and showed a certain concentration dependence. The inhibitory effect was enhanced with the increase of drug concentration. The inhibitory rate of 500 g/ml tonifying kidney strong governor on the proliferation of rat fibroblasts was (18.791 + 4.637)% (P0.001), and celecoxib could reduce the core binding factor of fibroblasts at the same time (Core The expression of Binding Factor alpha 1, Cbf alpha 1), Cx43 and phosphorylated Cx43 (pCx43) protein (P0.05 or P0.001), the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P0.05). Conclusion: 1. Chinese traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying kidney and strong governor method / based on the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment scheme based on reinforcing kidney and governor is compared with pure western medicine for AS, and the curative effect is better, and it is the strengthening of kidney in traditional Chinese medicine. The application of the governor method to the treatment of AS provides strong evidence for the combination of.2. kidney and strong governor method in the treatment of AS, which can effectively improve the state of the joint function, correct the bone marrow edema of the sacroiliac joint, and show a better curative effect on the bone improvement than the western medicine control group. There is a certain potential and advantage in the ossification effect of.3., which may inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts and regulate the Cx43 semi channel to inhibit the osteogenic differentiation of the ligament fibroblasts, and play an anti AS ossification and delay the effect of AS osteogenesis.
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