[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the clinical curative effect of the treatment of vascular and neurotic headache with the blood acupuncture therapy and the common acupuncture method, so as to verify the feasibility of the treatment of vascular nerve headache by the blood acupuncture therapy. Methods: from November 2014 to December 2016, 60 patients diagnosed as hyperactive vascular and neurotic headache of liver yang were selected from the second affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. The patients were randomly divided into 3 groups: normal acupuncture group. There were 20 cases in each group, 20 cases in each group. Among them, 20 cases were (A) in group A and 19 cases in group A (1 case). There were 20 cases of (B), 3 cases of shedding and 16 cases of (C) in the group of common acupuncture combined with Ashi-acupoint blood acupuncture, 4 cases of shedding. In the common acupuncture group, Baihui, Sishen Cong, Sun, Jiao Sun and other acupoints were taken, and the points of Fengchi were slanted in the direction of nose tip, and the techniques of twisting flat and reinforcing flat diarrhea were used. Distal points such as Taochong, sobbing feet, between the implementation of twirling and diarrhea; Taixi Pingbu flat reduction technique. The acupoints in the treatment group were the same as those in the common acupuncture group, and the twelve well points in the treatment group were pricked according to the sequence of meridian blood flow. Ashi point pricking blood therapy is to select Ashi point in the head to apply pricking blood therapy, each point bleeding volume is about 3-5 drops, after bleeding with disinfectant dry cotton ball pressing pinhole 3-5min until no blood flow out. The patients in the three groups were given headache comprehensive score before and after treatment, and before and after treatment with "visual analogue pain score" (Visual Analogue Scale,VAS) method, and to evaluate the degree of pain, attack times, duration, accompanying symptoms, changes of TCM syndromes, respectively. The curative effect index was calculated and the curative effect of the three groups was evaluated. The collected data were set up and the data were analyzed by SPSS20.0 software. The measurement data were expressed as mean 卤standard deviation (SX 卤). The counting data were measured by x2 test, the three groups were compared by univariate ANOVA, and by LSD-t test, the difference of variables before and after treatment was matched t test. Compared with the three groups, the nonparametric rank sum test (P = 0.05) indicated the difference was statistically significant. Results: by comparing the changes of pain degree, attack frequency, duration and TCM syndrome score before and after treatment in the three treatment groups, the results showed that the three treatment methods had clinical effect on improving the symptoms of vascular and neurotic headache. The clinical efficacy of the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the other two groups; the Ashi acupoint pricking blood therapy group was better than the common acupuncture group (P0.05). It was 94.1 in the treatment group, 56.3 in the Ashi acupoint pricking blood therapy group and 15.8in the common acupuncture group. From the point of view of the total effective rate of TCM syndromes, the treatment group was 94.1, the Ashi acupoint pricking blood therapy group was 87.5, the common acupuncture group was 84.2 points, which indicated that the treatment group was superior to the Ashi acupoint pricking blood therapy group and the common acupuncture group (P0.05). According to the changes of pain degree, attack frequency and duration after treatment, there were significant differences between the treatment group and the Ashi point pricking blood therapy group and the general acupuncture group (P0.05). Conclusion 1. The therapeutic effect of the treatment of vascular and neurogenic headache was obviously better than that of the other two groups. The theory and form of the treatment of vascular and neurotic headache by blood-acupuncture therapy are correct and feasible.
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