发布时间:2018-09-15 06:51
【摘要】:从现代名老中医肺病数据库中导出以麻杏石甘汤为主方的数据记录928条,对记录中的症状、药物、剂量进行规范,采用SPSS 20.0统计软件对其进行频数分析、因子分析、聚类分析和描述性分析。频次≥20的一般症状60个,药物74味;有意义的因子组9组,聚类组14组;统计出麻杏石甘汤4味主药的最小剂量、最大剂量、平均剂量、常用剂量范围及麻黄和石膏的剂量比例关系。名老中医多根据麻杏石甘汤的主症来应用;本方所治证候常兼有痰、气血不通、表证、呼吸异常、阴伤、中焦症状、神志异常、疹等8类表现;以本方为主可治疗肺热的不同证候和阶段,痰和热是本方证的主要病理因素;应用本方时多4味药合用,且剂量均明显小于《伤寒论》;本方常配伍的药物有化痰止咳平喘药、清热药、解表药、补虚药、理气药、利水渗湿药等;常配伍的方剂有桂枝汤、三子养亲汤、银翘散、苇茎汤、二陈汤、泻白散等。
[Abstract]:A total of 928 records were derived from the database of lung diseases of modern famous old Chinese medicine with maxingshigan decoction as the main prescription. The symptoms, drugs and doses in the records were standardized, and the frequency and factors were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Cluster analysis and descriptive analysis. The general symptoms of frequency 鈮,
[Abstract]:A total of 928 records were derived from the database of lung diseases of modern famous old Chinese medicine with maxingshigan decoction as the main prescription. The symptoms, drugs and doses in the records were standardized, and the frequency and factors were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Cluster analysis and descriptive analysis. The general symptoms of frequency 鈮,