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发布时间:2018-09-17 18:53
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of Tongluojieyu pills combined with acupuncture on pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke. Methods: according to the diagnostic criteria of traditional Chinese and western medicine, the criteria of inclusion and exclusion of cases, the selected cases (64 cases in total) were selected according to the method of random digital table, and the syndrome differentiation was the pseudobulbar paralysis of phlegm and blood stasis type. They were randomly divided into two groups, 32 cases in each group (treatment group and control group). In terms of treatment, the control group was treated only with basic therapy, while the treatment group was treated with Tongluojieyu pill combined with acupuncture on the basis of basic treatment. The admission time of 64 patients was the first day and the total course of treatment was 14 days. Before and after treatment, the differences among the clinical manifestations of pseudobulbar paralysis, the score of TCM syndromes and the scores of improved daily living ability were observed in Wata drinking water test, and the corresponding clinical efficacy was evaluated. The relevant data obtained in this experiment are processed by scientific statistical analysis method, I. E. spss21.0 data analysis software. The result is 1: 1. The general data (sex, age and course of disease) were compared between the two groups. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in sex, age and course of disease (P0.05). There is statistical significance. Comparison after treatment: treatment group and control group patients with dysphagia were improved to varying degrees (P0.05), but the treatment group was significantly better than the control group (P0.05); The clinical manifestations of pseudobulbar paralysis in the treatment group and the control group were improved to varying degrees (P0.05), but the curative effect in the treatment group was significantly better than that in the control group (P0.05). Can increase (P0.05), but the effect of the treatment group is significantly better than the control group (P0.05); after treatment, the treatment group, the control group, the TCM syndrome score can be reduced (P0.05), but the treatment group is significantly better than the control group (P0.05). 3. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 83.87 in treating pseudobulbar paralysis with phlegm and stasis after stroke, while that in the control group was 65.63. The therapeutic effect was significantly different between the two groups by chi-square test (P0.05). In terms of safety, blood, urine, liver and kidney function were examined before and after treatment. The results showed that there were no obvious liver and kidney damage and other adverse reactions in the whole course of treatment between the two groups. During the course of this experiment, one patient in the treatment group was unable to complete the experiment because he could not tolerate acupuncture, and the rest of the patients completed the experiment according to the requirements. Conclusion: Tongluojieyu pills combined with acupuncture therapy can obviously improve the clinical symptoms of pseudobulbar paralysis (phlegm and blood stasis type) after stroke: it can improve the function of swallowing and articulation of pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke. Improve the ability of daily life and TCM symptom score. The comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine combined with acupuncture has good effect and is worth learning and popularizing.


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