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发布时间:2018-10-31 12:00
【摘要】:目的观察补肾调周法合二藤汤保留灌肠法中医药治疗盆腔炎湿热瘀结型的疗效。方法将80例确诊为慢性盆腔炎属湿热瘀结型的患者随机分为对照组40例,治疗组40例,对照组根据辨证湿热瘀结型给予二藤汤日1剂水煎400 ml,200 ml口服、200 ml保留灌肠。治疗组给予补肾调周方药口服日1剂联合二藤汤灌肠1剂/2 d。两组均在每个月经周期的期间治疗10 d,连续治疗3个月经周期为1个疗程。观察这两组患者治疗前后总疗效、中医证候疗效、体征疗效及B超检查情况的变化。结果在缓解盆腔疼痛、中医证候及局部体征疗效方面:治疗组和对照组治疗后均低于治疗前(P0.05),说明缓解盆腔疼痛、改善中医证候和局部体征两组均有效,但治疗组明显优于对照组;在妇科超声方面:慢性盆腔炎湿热瘀结型患者治疗前及治疗后妇科超声指标比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),治疗组和对照组均能改善妇科超声指标,但治疗组明显优于对照组。治疗组在综合疗效方面优于对照组。结论补肾调周法口服中药合二藤汤灌肠治疗湿热瘀结型慢性盆腔炎,明显降低盆腔痛积分、中医证候积分及体征积分,提高临床疗效;改善妇科超声异常指标有效,两组中抽查患者肝肾功能无异常改变,用药过程中,无明显不良反应。
[Abstract]:Objective to observe the curative effect of tonifying kidney and regulating Zhou method combined with Erteng decoction retention enema Chinese medicine on dampness and heat stasis type of pelvic inflammatory disease. Methods Eighty patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease were randomly divided into control group (n = 40) and treatment group (n = 40). According to syndrome differentiation, the control group was treated with Erteng decoction for 400 ml,200 ml and reserved enema for 200 ml. The treatment group was treated with Bushen Tiaozhou prescription 1 dose daily combined with Erteng decoction enema 1 dose / 2 d. Both groups were treated for 10 days during each menstrual cycle and 1 course of treatment for 3 consecutive menstrual cycles. The changes of the total curative effect, TCM syndromes, physical signs and B-ultrasound examination were observed before and after treatment. Results in relieving pelvic pain, TCM syndromes and local signs were lower in treatment group and control group than before treatment (P0.05), which indicated that both groups were effective in relieving pelvic pain, improving TCM syndromes and local signs. But the treatment group was better than the control group. In the aspect of gynecological ultrasound, the difference was statistically significant before and after treatment in patients with chronic pelvic inflammation with damp-heat stasis type (P0.05). Both treatment group and control group could improve the index of gynecological ultrasound. But the treatment group was obviously superior to the control group. The treatment group was superior to the control group in the comprehensive curative effect. Conclusion the method of tonifying the kidney and regulating the week oral Chinese medicine combined with Erteng decoction enema to treat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease of damp-heat stasis knot type can obviously reduce the pelvic pain integral, TCM syndrome integral and sign integral, improve the clinical curative effect. Improvement of abnormal indexes of gynecological ultrasound was effective. There were no abnormal changes in liver and kidney function and no obvious adverse reactions in the course of medication.
【作者单位】: 济宁市中医院妇产科;


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