[Abstract]:Vitiligo is a pigmented loss of skin disease, mainly caused by the reduction of melanocytes, because its skin lesions often occur in the exposed site, so to the patient's appearance and psychological damage, It affects the physical and mental health of 1-4% of the world's population. At present, the pathogenesis of vitiligo is not clear, which makes it easy to diagnose and treat. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine has the characteristics of multi-component and multi-target, and has a long clinical practice in the treatment of vitiligo, but the active molecules, the target of action and the molecular mechanism of the treatment of vitiligo are not clear. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of vitiligo by systematic pharmacological method based on the clinical effective Chinese medicine compound in the treatment of vitiligo. At first, the active components of the compound flooding were screened out by pharmacokinetic system, then the target of active molecules was predicted by weighted ensemble similarity method, and the molecular target was analyzed synthetically. Target-pathway and integrated vitiligo pathway network to reveal the potential molecular mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of vitiligo. The results showed that 56 active components acted on 83 targets in a synergistic manner and these targets were mainly involved in regulating the balance of immune system. Regulation of melanocyte melanin secretion and regulation of neural functional system balance these three biological processes. Based on the systematic pharmacological method of Chinese medicine, this study elucidated the complex molecular mechanism of the treatment of vitiligo with compound displacing palmitage, which promoted the application of traditional Chinese medicine in modern medicine.
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