[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the effect of scraping combined with electroacupuncture (EA) and simple electroacupuncture (EA) on the treatment of hyperplasia of mammary gland with liver stagnation and qi stagnation, so as to provide clinical basis for scraping treatment of the disease. Methods: 60 eligible subjects were randomly divided into treatment group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). The treatment group was treated with scraping combined with electroacupuncture, the control group was treated with electroacupuncture. The two selected points were Tanzhong, Wuyi, phase gate, Neiguan, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, Taochong, shoulder well, Tianzong, Ganshu and Pesu. The treatment group was treated with scraping once a week, the two groups were treated with electroacupuncture twice a week, 6 times as a course of treatment, a total of 2 courses of treatment, and stopped treatment at the menstrual period. The scores of pain, breast mass and associated symptoms before and after treatment were recorded and evaluated. Results: before treatment, the two groups were comparable in age, course of disease and condition (P0.05), the two methods were effective in improving breast pain, mass and accompanying symptoms (P0.05). In improving the hardness and size of the mass, the scraping combined with electroacupuncture group was effective, but the simple electroacupuncture group was not (P0.05). The treatment group was superior to the control group in improving the area of mass, emotional change, abnormal menstruation and full flank (P < 0.05), and the two groups had the same curative effect in improving pain (P0.05). The total effective rate in the treatment group was 96.67, the total effective rate in the control group was 90.0. The effective rate in the treatment group was 40 and that in the control group was 23.33.The difference between the two groups was statistically significant by rank sum test (P0.05). Conclusion: the two methods are effective in the treatment of hyperplasia of mammary gland with stagnation of liver-qi. The breast pain, mass and associated symptoms are improved after treatment. In improving the hardness, range, size, mood change, abnormal menstruation, full of two flanks, the effect of scrapping combined with electroacupuncture was better than that of simple electroacupuncture, the effective rate of the treatment group was obviously better than that of the control group, and the total effective rate was the same between the two groups. The curative effect of scraping combined with electroacupuncture in treating hyperplasia of mammary gland with liver stagnation and qi stagnation is better than that in simple electroacupuncture group, and it is worth popularizing clinically.
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