[Abstract]:1. Objective: to study the effects of Xiaoyaoshenhuan San plus paroxetine on post-stroke depression (poststroke depression,PSD) in patients with liver depression and spleen deficiency (poststroke depression,PSD). The National Institutes of Health Stroke scale (The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale,NIHSS) and the TCM Syndromes integral scale of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency type were compared and observed to evaluate their effectiveness and safety. The effect of the method of invigorating the spleen and soothing the mind in the treatment of post-stroke depression with liver stagnation and spleen deficiency, and exploring the method of treating post-stroke depression with traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation. For clinical use of TCM syndrome differentiation and Chinese medicine treatment of post-stroke depression to provide the basis and methods. 2, Methods: sixty patients with PSD were randomly divided into two groups, including inpatients and outpatients from Department of Neurology, sixth people's Hospital of Fuyang City from January 2014 to August 2015. There were 30 cases in the treatment group and 30 cases in the control group, 28 cases in the treatment group and 28 cases in the control group because of the abscission of some cases during the study. The two groups were given basic treatment of stroke, the treatment group was treated with Xiaoyaoshenhuan powder combined with paroxetine (one dose of traditional Chinese medicine, three times a day, paroxetine, 20mg early), and the control group was treated with paroxetine. Before, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment, the TCM syndromes scale scores, HAMD and NIHSS scores were evaluated, and routine safety tests were performed during the clinical trials. To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Xiaoyaoshenhuan Powder in the treatment of post-stroke depression. 3. Results: after 8 weeks, the HAMD, syndromes scale and total NIHSS score in the two groups were significantly lower than those before treatment (P0.05). Compared with the control group, the scores of the three indexes were significantly decreased (P0.05). HAMD total score reduction rate comparison: the two groups treated with 2 weeks of 4 weeks, there was no difference (P0.05), the curative effect was about the same, all of the two groups had no difference (P0.05), the curative effect was about the same as that of the control group. The effective rate of Xiaoyao Shenhuan San combined with paroxetine was higher than that of control group. Comparison of the curative effect evaluation of the total score reduction rate of TCM syndromes: after 8 weeks of treatment, the scores of TCM syndromes changed significantly, which was significantly better than that of the control group (P0.05). The total effective rate of TCM syndrome integral group after 8 weeks was 75% and 92.86% respectively. Conclusion: there is no significant difference between Xiaoyaoshenhuan powder and paroxetine alone in the treatment of post-stroke depression. The efficacy of the two methods was similar, but the effective rate was higher than that of paroxetine alone. It is superior to paroxetine alone in improving TCM syndromes, depressive symptoms and the recovery of damaged nervous system function, and is more effective in the treatment of post-stroke depression, and can reduce the adverse reactions of paroxetine. In a word, the combination of Xiaoyao Shenhuan San and paroxetine is worthy of recognition in improving the short-term and long-term TCM syndromes of PSD, depressive symptoms, promoting the recovery of damaged nervous system function, and soothing the liver and relieving depression. The method and thought of invigorating spleen and soothing mind in treating PSD patients is worth popularizing.
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