[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the expression and regulation mechanism of differentially expressed proteins in ileum of rats with spleen deficiency syndrome. Methods: according to the principle of stratification and randomization, 36 healthy Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats of SPF grade were randomly divided into three groups: the healthy control group, the model group of spleen yin deficiency syndrome, and the Chinese medicine reverse syndrome group, each with 12 rats in each group. The rat model of spleen deficiency was established by classical compound factor method. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot (Western blot) were used to detect catalase (Catalase,CAT), cisaconitate hydratase (Aconitate hydratase,ACO2), which were identified by proteomics. The expression of Calnexin,Canx), Papss 2 (Papss 2 69KD protein), heat shock protein 90 (heat shock protein 90 KDX HSP90) was detected. Results: (1) the expression level of differentially expressed protein mRNA in ileum tissue of rats in each group was compared by semi-quantitative analysis. Compared with healthy control group, CAT,Canx, in ileum of spleen yin deficiency model group was found. The mRNA expression of ACO2 and Papss 2 protein increased significantly (P0.05), while the mRNA expression of HSP 90 protein decreased significantly (P0.05). (2) the expression level of differentially expressed protein in ileum of rats in each group was compared by semi-quantitative analysis. Compared with the healthy control group, the contents of CAT,Canx,ACO2 and Papss 2 protein in ileum of spleen yin deficiency model group were significantly increased (P0.05). Among them, CAT up-regulated the most significantly (P0.01), while the content of HSP 90 protein decreased significantly (P0.05). Conclusion: under the condition of spleen yin deficiency and spleen incapacitation, there may be membrane peroxidation damage, Ca2 homeostasis, ethanol-like toxicity and excessive sulfation in ileum tissue of rats based on mitochondrial damage. A series of pathological changes, such as neuronal damage and changes in energy and genetic material.
【作者单位】: 辽宁中医药大学;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81373502) 辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划项目(LR2013043)
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