[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of spinal traction manipulation bed on patients with chronic low back pain. Methods: 80 patients with chronic low back pain were collected from Department of Orthopedics and Trauma, affiliated Rehabilitation Hospital of Fujian University of traditional Chinese Medicine from January to October 31, 2014.The patients were divided into two groups according to the random number table: 40 patients in the experimental group, 40 patients in the experimental group, and 40 patients in the experimental group. There were 40 cases in the control group. The experimental group was treated with spinal traction manipulation bed 3 times a week for 30 minutes. The control group was treated with traditional chiropractic therapy 3 times a week for 30 minutes. The two groups were compared after 8 weeks of treatment. The changes of the degree of low back pain (VAS visual scale), the degree of dysfunction (RMDQ waist dysfunction questionnaire) and the angle of (lordotic angle), vertebral body deviation (surface rotation) were observed before and after the experiment. Finally, the statistical analysis is carried out by SPSS18.0 software. Results: after 8 weeks of treatment, the changes of the degree of low back pain (VAS), the degree of dysfunction (RMDQ), the (lordotic angle) of kyphosis angle and the angle of vertebral body deviation (surface rotation) were compared between the two groups. The VAS visual scores of patients in experimental group and control group were: before treatment (6.37 卤1.50 卤6.31 卤1.51) and after treatment (3.34 卤1.03 卤2.89 卤0.93), respectively. The changes before and after treatment (3.03 卤1.01 卤3.43 卤0.98): RMDQ) were: before treatment (15.42 卤4.36 卤15.38 卤4.37), after treatment (10.53 卤4.2810.62 卤3.37), before treatment (15.42 卤4.36 卤15.38 卤4.37), after treatment (10.53 卤4.2810.62 卤3.37). Before and after the change (0.89 卤1.61 卤0.74 卤1.38); The kyphosis angle of the two groups was (25.83 卤4.91 卤25.71 卤4.80) 掳before treatment, (36.20 卤3.83 卤3.83 卤26.20 卤4.76) 掳before and after treatment, and before and after treatment (-10.37 卤4.63) 掳. -0.49 卤1.04) 掳; The vertebral body deviation angle of the two groups was (9.03 卤2.709.49 卤2.63) 掳before treatment, (5.57 卤1.84 卤5.69 卤2.08) 掳after treatment, and (3.46 卤1.42 卤3.80 卤1.13 掳) 掳before and after treatment. According to statistical analysis, there were significant differences between the two groups before and after the treatment of VAS visual score scale and RMDQ waist dysfunction questionnaire (P0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the VAS visual score scale and the RMDQ waist dysfunction scale before and after the changes (P0.05). The degree of abnormal improvement of kyphosis angle in the experimental group was better than that in the control group (P0.05). There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (P0.05), but there was significant difference between the two groups before and after treatment (P0.05). Conclusion: spinal traction manipulation bed and traditional chiropractic therapy have good effect on relieving pain and improving lumbar dysfunction in patients with chronic low back pain. The degree of improvement of kyphosis angle in spinal traction manipulation bed was better than that in traditional chiropractic therapy.
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