发布时间:2018-12-22 09:40
[Abstract]:The standard of normal human health in the category of traditional Chinese medicine is discussed in three dimensions, from body to body, from phase to aspect, so as to show the body and phase, and to use the connotations of the three aspects, that is, fine to, yin and yang, and blood Qi to regulate. The perfect form of the three can clearly present the standard of normal human health. In order to reveal the basic principles of TCM treatment, rationally grasp the direction of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment to provide a theoretical basis. The clinical significance of establishing the standard of normal human health lies in: revealing the basic principles of TCM treatment of diseases, rationally grasping the direction of TCM dialectical treatment, and highlighting the double Ninth thought of the theory of "Huangdi's Internal Classic".
【作者单位】: 广西中医药大学;广西中医药大学第一附属医院;广西国际壮医医院;
【基金】:广西医学高层次骨干人才培养“139”计划项目(桂卫科教发[2014]14) 广西高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师培养工程资助(JS13069)
[Abstract]:The standard of normal human health in the category of traditional Chinese medicine is discussed in three dimensions, from body to body, from phase to aspect, so as to show the body and phase, and to use the connotations of the three aspects, that is, fine to, yin and yang, and blood Qi to regulate. The perfect form of the three can clearly present the standard of normal human health. In order to reveal the basic principles of TCM treatment, rationally grasp the direction of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment to provide a theoretical basis. The clinical significance of establishing the standard of normal human health lies in: revealing the basic principles of TCM treatment of diseases, rationally grasping the direction of TCM dialectical treatment, and highlighting the double Ninth thought of the theory of "Huangdi's Internal Classic".
【作者单位】: 广西中医药大学;广西中医药大学第一附属医院;广西国际壮医医院;
【基金】:广西医学高层次骨干人才培养“139”计划项目(桂卫科教发[2014]14) 广西高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师培养工程资助(JS13069)
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