发布时间:2019-02-16 13:30
【摘要】:目的:建立岗松油的气相特征图谱,研究岗松油的化学成分,建立同时测定岗松油中α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、α-松油烯、4-异丙基甲苯、桉油精、芳樟醇、4-松油醇、α-松油醇、α-石竹烯、β-石竹烯10种成分含量的气相色谱法。方法:采用GC-MS对岗松油中的共有成分进行鉴定,含量测定采用GC外标法,色谱柱:DB-5气相毛细管色谱柱(柱长60 m,内径0.25 mm,膜厚0.25μm),载气为高纯氮气(99.999%),流速:1.0 mL·min~(-1),分流比10∶1,进样口温度250℃,进样量为1μL,FID检测器,检测器温度250℃,程序升温(初始温度80℃,保持15 min,以每分钟1℃的速率升温至90℃,保持2 min,再以每分钟10℃的速率升温至110℃,每分钟25℃的速率升温至240℃,保持8 min。)结果:岗松油中的14种共有成分得到鉴定,建立了岗松油含12个主要共有峰的气相特征图谱,含量测定中10种主要成分得到良好的分离,在测定范围内的线性关系良好,平均回收率在97%以上。28批岗松油样品10种成分的含量范围:α-蒎烯4.53%~27.51%、β-蒎烯1.10%~14.12%、α-松油烯0.00%~3.69%、4-异丙基甲苯4.65%~17.55%、桉油精6.91%~30.02%、芳樟醇2.75%~9.79%、4-松油醇0.81%~11.19%、α-松油醇0.64%~4.44%、α-石竹烯0.29%~5.93%、β-石竹烯0.18%~7.73%。结论:特征图谱结合多组分的含量测定,能更好地控制岗松油的质量。
[Abstract]:Objective: to establish a gas phase characteristic map for the determination of 伪 -pinene, 尾 -pinene, 伪 -terpinene, 4-isopropyltoluene, eucalyptus oil, linalool, 4-terpinol in Gangsong oil. Gas chromatography of 10 components of 伪 -terpineol, 伪 -caryophyllene and 尾 -caryophyllene. Methods: GC-MS was used to identify the common components in Gangsong oil. The content was determined by GC external standard method. The chromatographic column was DB-5 capillary column (60 m in length and 0.25 渭 m), in inner diameter of 0.25 mm, film). The carrier gas is high purity nitrogen (99.999%), the flow rate is 1.0 mL min~ (-1), the split flow ratio is 10: 1, the injection temperature is 250 鈩,
[Abstract]:Objective: to establish a gas phase characteristic map for the determination of 伪 -pinene, 尾 -pinene, 伪 -terpinene, 4-isopropyltoluene, eucalyptus oil, linalool, 4-terpinol in Gangsong oil. Gas chromatography of 10 components of 伪 -terpineol, 伪 -caryophyllene and 尾 -caryophyllene. Methods: GC-MS was used to identify the common components in Gangsong oil. The content was determined by GC external standard method. The chromatographic column was DB-5 capillary column (60 m in length and 0.25 渭 m), in inner diameter of 0.25 mm, film). The carrier gas is high purity nitrogen (99.999%), the flow rate is 1.0 mL min~ (-1), the split flow ratio is 10: 1, the injection temperature is 250 鈩,