[Abstract]:This paper discusses the limitation and perfection suggestion of Wei Qi and Ying blood theory, and thinks that it is appropriate to supplement "brain master spirit belongs to kidney" after "lung control qi belongs to Wei" and "heart dominates blood belongs to camp". The course of disease can be divided into Wei stage, qi stage, camp stage and blood stage. Nephrotic stage and encephalopathy stage 6 stages. Wei stage is the non-specific symptom stage of skin and mucosal barrier, and gas stage is the local specific symptom stage of skin and mucosal barrier. Camp stage refers to the stage of serum and electrolyte lesions, blood stage is the stage of hematopoietic lesions, mainly organ substantial damage; Nephropathy is the stage of organ failure and encephalopathy is characterized by abnormal consciousness. It can provide new theoretical basis and treatment method for hematologic disease, organ failure, encephalopathy and tumor.
【作者单位】: 南京医科大学附属淮安第一医院;南京中医药大学基础医学院;
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