[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the degree of neurological function defect, the score of activity of daily living scale, the score of TCM syndrome, blood lipid, hemorrheology and so on, after the changes before and after drug treatment, to observe "extinguish wind and remove phlegm," Huoxue Huayu "is the guiding principle of drug use in the treatment of stroke (cerebral infarction) recovery wind phlegm stasis syndrome clinical efficacy." Methods: general data: a large number of cases from Hubei Provincial traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Hubei Provincial people's Hospital were collected, and 60 cases which met the diagnostic criteria of western medicine in the recovery period of cerebral infarction were selected, and 60 cases of TCM accorded with the diagnosis and syndrome differentiation standard of wind-phlegm-stasis syndrome of the middle meridian and collateral wind and blood stasis. In the case of signing informed consent, volunteer to participate in the clinical trial observation. The general data of selected cases were statistically tested, and there was comparability. Treatment: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design was conducted in which 30 patients in the observation group and 30 in the control group were randomly assigned to receive the basic drug aspirin enteric-coated tablets (0.1g / d) at the same time. All patients were treated with routine and symptomatic therapy. In addition, observation group: oral Tianlong Tongluo capsule, 3 times a day, once 5; control group: oral Tianlong Tongluo capsule placebo, 3 times a day, 5 pieces at a time; The course of treatment was 14 days. The total clinical efficacy, NIHSS score, TCM symptom score, ADL (ADL) score, blood lipid and hemorheology score were used to evaluate the curative effect as clinical therapeutic efficacy index. Blood routine, urine routine, liver and kidney function and coagulation were used as safety indexes. The adverse reactions were observed and recorded in time before and after the test. Statistical methods: SPSS17.0 software was used for statistical analysis, Ridit analysis was used for grade data, x2 test or ANOVA was used for counting data, t test or rank sum test was used for data statistics. Results: 1. Baseline comparison before treatment, general data were statistically tested and comparable. 2. The therapeutic effects of the observation group and the control group were compared from the following aspects: total clinical efficacy, NIHSS score, TCM symptom score, (ADL) score, blood lipid and hemorheology score. The results showed that the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). Safety evaluation: there was no significant difference in blood routine, liver and kidney function and coagulation function before and after treatment in the observation group. There were no adverse reactions and discomfort symptoms, no obvious deterioration and adverse consequences in the observation group. The results showed that the safety was good. Conclusion Tianlong Tongluo capsule combined with western medicine is more effective in treating apoplexy (cerebral infarction) recovery stage (wind phlegm stasis syndrome) than using western medicine alone. Tianlong Tongluo capsule is superior to the control group in improving the clinical efficacy, NIHSS score, TCM symptom score, daily living ability, blood lipid and hemorheology in the recovery period of cerebral infarction, and in improving the quality of life of stroke patients and reducing the sequelae. Reducing the overall disability rate, reducing the huge economic and psychological burden of the family and society have certain advantages. At the same time, the patients' liver and kidney function, coagulation function and so on are statistically analyzed in the course of treatment, and there is no statistical significance. There were no obvious adverse reactions and toxic side effects. The results showed that the observation group was superior to the control group in improving the safety and clinical efficacy of stroke (cerebral infarction) in convalescence. It had clinical advantages and could guide clinical practice.
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