[Abstract]:By using the method of literature data excavating, the modern research information, such as composition, chemical composition, pharmacology and clinic, of 25 Weizhu pill and 70 Weiwei pearl pill were compared. It provides a thought for the study of the pharmacodynamic material basis and the mechanism of action of Qiwei Pearl Pill. There were 12 species of plant medicine, 5 species of animal medicine, 8 species of mineral and gemstone medicine, 4 kinds of metal medicine and 1 kind of mixture of 70 kinds of pearl pills. Only 9 kinds of drugs shared with 25 taste pearl pills were found. A method has been established for the determination of animal and plant drugs and mineral drugs in 25 Weizhu pills, and a method has been established for the determination of minerals and metals in 70-flavor Pearl pills, but the plant medicines have not been developed. The pharmacological effects of Qiwei Pearl Pill were studied more, but the mechanism of action was not further studied, and the mechanism of action of 25 Weiwei Pearl Pill was almost not studied. They were mainly used in the treatment of cardio-cerebrovascular and nervous system diseases. The range of treatment of 25 Weizhu pill was less than that of 70-flavor pearl pill, and the two drugs were more compatible with other drugs, and there were no reports of adverse reactions.
【作者单位】: 成都中医药大学药学院;成都中医药大学民族医药学院;
【基金】:中国博士后基金:藏医白脉病的潜在生物标志物及七十味珍珠丸的干预研究(2012M511916) 四川省中医药管理局课题:藏医白脉病的潜在生物标志物及七十味珍珠丸的干预研究(2012-E-040) 成都中医药大学实验技术项目重点项目:大鼠MCAO模型自制实验装置的标准化和共享机制研究(Z1411);成都中医药大学科技发展基金:藏药七十味珍珠丸干预缺血性脑卒中的量-时-效关系研究(ZRQN1544)
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