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发布时间:2019-05-06 22:04
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Shenqi Guipi syrup on ADHD (deficiency of both heart and spleen) by observing the clinical manifestation of children before and after treatment, so as to provide a more effective and simple method for the clinical treatment of ADHD. Methods: 60 children with ADHD were randomly divided into treatment group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). The treatment group was given Chinese patent medicine Shenqi Guipi syrup, while the control group was given Xensida orally for two months. After one course of treatment, the clinical symptoms of the two groups were observed before and after treatment. Results: there was a significant difference in the total symptom score between the two groups before and after treatment, P 0.01, indicating that the treatment group and the control group had significant curative effect, and the total effective rate of the two groups was P 0.05, there was no significant difference between the two groups, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. The results showed that the total curative effect of the two groups in the treatment of ADHD was the same. In the treatment of attention deficit, the treatment group and the control group before and after treatment compared with the symptom score of 0.01, and between the two groups compared with 0.0380.05, indicating that the two groups have a significant effect, and the treatment group is better than the control group; In the aspect of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, the symptom scores of the treatment group and the control group before and after treatment were 0.01 and 0.05 respectively, which indicated that the two groups had remarkable curative effect and the curative effect was equal. No adverse reaction was observed in the treatment group and the control group. Conclusion: 1. Shenqi Guipi syrup is effective in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (deficiency of both heart and spleen) in children, and the overall curative effect is equal to that of Xantha. 2. Shenqi Guipi syrup and Xestar can improve the clinical symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (deficiency of both heart and spleen), and in the treatment of attention deficit, Shenqi Guipi syrup is better than Xensida.


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