[Abstract]:Objective to observe the effects of fumigation and washing prescription and functional exercise on knee swelling, unfavorable movement and flexion pain after patellar fracture. To verify the role of fumigation prescription in the promotion and propaganda of postoperative rehabilitation in the later stage of fracture. Methods Sixty-eight patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. The treatment group was treated with CPM machine exercise after incision and internal fixation, and the treatment group was treated with quadriceps femoris exercise at the 2nd week after operation. After 2 weeks, the patients in the treatment group should be fumigated and washed with traditional Chinese medicine in the following prescription: Weiling Xian 30g Wujiapi 30g Schizonepeta tenuifolia 30g Fangfeng 30g myrrh 35g cinnamon branch 35g Asarum cassia 15g. First prepare the appropriate pot, then wrap the traditional Chinese medicine in gauze and put it into the pot, add clear water 2000ml to fry in high fire and then fry over low heat for 10 min. stop heating and pour the medicine bag with the medicine liquid into the pot. The knee joint of the patient and its surrounding parts were treated with hot compress of medicine bag, and then the knee joint was fumigated with liquid, and then fumigated with 30min for one month at a time. The control group was fumigated with hot water for 1 month. In the process of fumigation and washing, it was suitable for skin to appear redness and fever, twice a day for 30 minutes each time for 1 month. CPM machine exercise was performed in both groups on the third day, and quadriceps femoris exercise was performed in the treatment group in the second week. The methods were as follows: the functional training of quadriceps femoris was as follows: 1. The first is straight leg elevation training. 2. Equal length contraction training of quadriceps femoris, straight leg elevation training weight bearing training 3. Isometric contraction training method of quadriceps femoris, 4. Results of static contraction exercise of quadriceps femoris. In terms of knee joint pain, the therapeutic effect of the treatment group was better than that of the control group within 3 to 6 weeks, and the difference was more obvious (p0.05). In terms of knee swelling, the degree of detumescence in the treatment group was faster than that in the control group at the 3rd and 6th weeks (P 0.05). In terms of knee function score, there was difference between the treatment group and the control group (P 0.05), indicating that the postoperative rehabilitation of knee function in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group. Conclusion this study shows that fumigation prescription combined with functional exercise has obvious advantages in postoperative rehabilitation of patellar fracture, and fumigation and washing prescription combined with functional exercise has obvious advantages in knee joint functional recovery.
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