[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of Guchong decoction in the treatment of ovulatory menstruation with spleen qi deficiency. The curative effect of this method was evaluated to provide theoretical basis for clinical application and popularization of this method. Methods: from March 2015 to March 2017, the patients were collected from the gynecological clinic of the second affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of traditional Chinese Medicine. A total of 64 patients with ovulatory excess menstruation (spleen qi deficiency syndrome) were randomly divided into two groups according to the order of treatment: treatment group (n = 32) and control group (n = 32). The treatment group was treated with Guchong decoction, while the control group was treated with Gongxuetuan. The changes of menstrual bleeding before and after treatment, the improvement of TCM syndromes and the follow-up of 3 months after withdrawal were observed, and the curative effects of the two methods were comprehensively evaluated. Result: 1. The scores of TCM syndromes in the two groups after treatment were significantly different from those before treatment (P 0.01), and there was significant difference between the two groups after treatment (P 0.01). The total effective rate of TCM syndrome in the treatment group was 93.33%, and that in the control group was 73.33%. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P 0.01). The menstrual blood loss score of the two groups after treatment was improved compared with that before treatment, and there was significant difference (P 0.01), and the treatment group was superior to the control group in reducing menstrual volume after treatment (P 0.05). The total effective rate of improving menstrual blood loss was 90% in the treatment group and 76.67% in the control group. There was significant difference between the two groups (P 0.01). After treatment, the score of main symptoms in the two groups was significantly lower than that before treatment (P 0.01), and there was significant difference between the two groups after treatment (P 0.01). After 3 months of withdrawal, the cure rate of the two groups was followed up. The recurrence rate was 28.6% in the treatment group and 33% in the control group. Conclusion: 1. The treatment group and the control group had obvious advantages in improving menstrual volume, and the curative effect of Guchong decoction in the treatment group was more obvious than that in the control group. 2. The treatment group has more obvious advantages than the control group in improving menstrual volume, menstrual color, menstrual quality, fatigue and so on. The addition and subtraction of traditional Chinese medicine decoction Guchong decoction is more accurate in the treatment of menstruation with deficiency of spleen qi, and the long-term treatment effect is obviously better than that in the control group, which provides a more powerful basis for the treatment of menorrhea with traditional Chinese medicine.
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