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发布时间:2018-02-03 13:17

  本文关键词: 公共关系 消防部队基层单位 构建 出处:《南昌大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 消防部队是一个特殊的公益组织,它肩负着灭火、社会救援、防火监督等社会职责,各级消防部队尤其是基层单位在完成其所担负的防火、灭火以及抢险救援任务的过程中都必须与政府、社会组织、社会公众发生各种各样的联系,在此过程中他们最广泛、最经常地同社会各个方面进行接触、交往,这就决定了消防部队基层单位的公共关系是整个消防部队公共关系的主体部分,其状况好坏直接决定着消防部队公共关系整体上的质量优劣。 本文主要研究了消防部队基层单位公共关系的内容、功能、意义、现实状况和成因、公共关系构建的总体设想等方面的内容。认为消防部队基层单位公共关系是指消防部队基层单位与其公众之间的关系总和,这种关系是客观存在的,其内容是公众对消防部队基层单位的理解、信任和支持;消防部队基层单位公共关系状态好坏直接关乎消防工作的开展和消防部队自身的发展,而良好的公共关系的形成需要消防部队基层单位广大官兵进行自觉地构造和建设才能达到;消防部队基层单位公共关系构建要围绕公众对消防部队基层单位高度理解、充分信任、全力支持的总体目标,坚持以事实为依据、以协调为主线、以持久为特征的基本原则,贯彻突出形象塑造、强化信息传播、注重公关策划的核心理念,通过增强部队领导的公共关系意识、实行全员参与的构建战略、发挥政治干部的主导作用、落实专业人才的培养措施来加强主体建设,重点针对政府、传播界专业人士、消防安全重点单位以及特定的居(村)民等四类目标公众,开展服务公关活动、专题公关活动、公共关系调查活动,同时采取适当措施以应对公共关系危机的发生;这种良好公共关系的形成将使消防部队与广大社会公众实现良性互动,从而变警力有限为民力无限,最终促进整个消防工作和消防部队自身的发展。
[Abstract]:The fire fighting units are a special public welfare organization. They shoulder the social responsibilities of fire fighting, social rescue, fire prevention and supervision. Fire fighting units at all levels, especially grass-roots units, are accomplishing their fire prevention responsibilities. In the course of fire fighting and rescue missions, all kinds of contacts must take place with the government, social organizations, and the general public. In the process, they have the widest and most frequent contacts and contacts with all aspects of society. This determines that the public relations of the basic units of the fire fighting troops are the main part of the public relations of the whole fire fighting troops, and their condition directly determines the quality of the public relations of the fire forces as a whole. This paper mainly studies the contents, functions, significance, reality and causes of public relations in the basic units of fire fighting units. The general conception of public relations construction and other aspects. It is considered that the public relations between the basic units of the fire fighting units and the public are the sum total of the relations between the units of the basic units of the fire forces and their public, and this kind of relationship exists objectively. Its content is the public's understanding, trust and support of the basic units of the fire fighting forces, and the quality of the public relations of the basic units of the fire forces is directly related to the development of the fire work and the development of the fire fighting units themselves. The formation of good public relations requires the officers and men of the basic units of the fire fighting units to construct and construct themselves consciously. The construction of the public relations of the units at the grass-roots level of the fire forces should be built around the public's understanding of the units at the grass-roots level of the fire forces. To fully trust and fully support the overall goal, adhere to the basic principle of taking facts as the basis, coordination as the main line, and permanence as the characteristic, to carry out the core idea of highlighting image shaping, strengthening information dissemination, and paying attention to public relations planning, By strengthening the awareness of public relations among the leaders of the army, implementing the construction strategy of full participation, giving play to the leading role of political cadres, and carrying out training measures for professional personnel to strengthen the main body construction, focusing on the government and communication professionals, Fire safety key units and specific residents (villages) of the four target public, public relations activities, special public relations activities, public relations investigation activities, while taking appropriate measures to deal with the occurrence of public relations crisis; The formation of this kind of good public relations will make the fire fighting force and the general public realize the benign interaction, thus change the police force limited into the people force infinite, and finally promote the whole fire fighting work and the fire fighting troops own development.


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