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发布时间:2018-02-14 22:52

  本文关键词: 暴力违法 大学生违法犯罪 犯罪现象 思想品德教育 犯罪案件 公共场所 学生宿舍 暴力案件 暴力事件 高校 出处:《青年研究》1995年09期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:正 尽管我国大学生的违法犯罪率很低,但暴力违法犯罪案件所占的比重则是比较大的。它既在一定程度上破坏了大学生在社会中的形象,又对高校优雅的学习和生活环境造成了不良影响。因此,对当前的大学生暴力违法犯罪现象加以探讨,很有必要。 一、特点 当前大学生的暴力违法犯罪,除了具有暴力案件本身的突发性强、破坏性大以及手段残忍等特点外,还明显地呈现出如下特点: (一)在大学生的违法犯罪案件中所占比重较大。据调查,该类案件均占大学生违法犯罪案件的30%。如某市1986—1992年所查处的503名违法犯罪的大学生中,暴力违法犯罪者
[Abstract]:Although the crime rate of college students in our country is very low, the proportion of violent crime cases is relatively large. It not only destroys the image of college students in society to a certain extent, Therefore, it is necessary to probe into the phenomenon of violent crimes committed by college students. First, it is necessary to explore the phenomenon of violent crimes committed by current college students. In addition to the characteristics of violent cases themselves, such as sudden, destructive and cruel means, they also show the following characteristics: (1) they account for a large proportion of university students' criminal cases. According to the investigation, Such cases all account for 30% of university students' crimes. For example, in a certain city from 1986 to 1992, of the 503 university students who had committed crimes, the perpetrators of violent crimes were violent offenders
【作者单位】: 曲阜师范大学政法系 曲阜师范大学政法系


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