发布时间:2018-02-20 03:19
本文关键词: 人文关怀 警察 职业道德教育 出处:《山东师范大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:警察职业道德教育是一项针对从事警务工作的个体而进行的系统化的道德教育,其目的是使警察个体能够在职业实践中形成完善职业人格和高尚的道德品格,满足社会和人民群众“对于安全的需要”,完成党和国家赋予的历史使命。 然而,近几年来,我国警察的职业道德素质和现实表现却并不尽如人意,比如出现了警察权力腐败问题、徇私枉法问题、冷漠执法问题、服务态度恶劣问题、职业倦怠与心理压力过高问题等等,这些问题引起了人们的高度关注,也使得警察职业道德教育的针对性和实效性不足的问题日益凸显。为解决此问题,各级主管部门从不同层面上提出了各种规范和要求,也实施了大量以提高道德素质为主旨的活动和实践,但在如何将警察的外在规范和要求内化为道德品质和素养,再落实于职业行为和实践的问题上,始终没有取得新的突破。 因此,本文试图确认人文关怀在警察职业道德教育中的基本价值,并以马克思主义的人文关怀思想为指导,用人文关怀的新视野关注警察个体的需求实际,综合运用警务理论、伦理学、教育学、社会学、管理学、思想政治教育等多学科知识,通过理论与现实相结合的方法、历史考察与逻辑分析相结合的方法、比较研究的方法、实证分析的方法等,尝试以警察职业道德教育的人文关怀问题为切入点,以警察个体需求与人文关怀的内在关联为主线,探求警察职业道德教育的创新与发展。本文在承认社会对警察需求的合理性前提下,,找到警察个体需求与人文关怀的内在关联基础上,意图从个体需求的视角揭示职业道德教育与人文关怀结合后所带来的新课题,并由此出发,对警察职业道德教育的理念创新、观念转变、内容拓展、方法原则、实现途径、环境保障等方面进行具体的探讨,从而完成对警察职业道德教育的理论创新和实践突破上的尝试。本文的主要内容和观点包括: 第一、从哲学和历史学的角度对警察职业道德教育的人文关怀视野进行解读,通过分析警察职业道德教育的人文关怀取向的现实可能性,实现警察职业道德教育与人文关怀内在关联的第一步。通过对人文关怀思想的哲学阐释,明晰了马克思主义人文关怀的科学内涵;通过对警察职业道德教育的历史考察,确立了加强我国警察职业道德建设的时代价值;通过对职业道德的社会要求、以人为本的社会背景、主体教育思想的社会趋势、思想政治教育的人文意蕴等的分析,为人文关怀思想融入警察职业道德教育的实现可能性提供了理论依据。 第二、从现实的角度分析我国警察职业道德的现状,进而指出警察职业道德教育的僵化和人文关怀的缺失是造成道德教育针对性和实效性不高的主要原因。在此基础上,通过分析阐述加强警察职业道德教育的重要性和必要性,从教育的观念、内容体系、方法论原则、师资培养、环境保障等方面进行人文关怀的全面改造,意图找到提升警察职业道德教育活力和效能的突破口。 第三、分析了警察职业道德教育与人文关怀相结合,对警察职业道德教育内容体系的构建与拓展。警察职业道德基本原则是警察职业道德教育内容体系的核心与精髓,警察职业道德规范是警察职业道德教育内容体系的具体要求,警察职业道德范畴是警察职业道德教育内容体系的外延扩展。对教育内容的明确与科学的解释是对警察个体做好道德教育的根本和前提。 第四、分析了警察职业道德教育与人文关怀相结合,对警察个体主体能力提升的新拓展和人文关注。警察个体主体能力的培养涉及的方面很多,但就警察职业道德教育领域而言,最重要的还是表现在主体道德选择能力和道德修养能力两个方面。一方面,通过对警察职业领域中的道德冲突的分析,将道德教育的目光引入到造成警察个体思想困惑的实践领域;另一方面,通过对修养的关注,提升警察个体的道德境界和自律能力。 第五、分析了警察职业道德教育与人文关怀相结合,对警察职业道德教育的内外环境保障进行了探讨,对警察个体学习、转化道德规范和要求的动力、需求、权益等问题进行了解答,从内外两个方面探讨了警察个体执法环境存在的问题并提出了解决方案。
[Abstract]:The police professional ethics education is a systematic moral education for individuals engaged in police work . The aim is to enable the police individual to form a perfect professional personality and a noble moral character in professional practice , to meet the social and people ' s needs of security , and to fulfill the historical mission entrusted by the Party and the State . However , in recent years , the professional ethics and the reality of the police in our country are not as satisfactory as possible , such as the problems of the corruption of the police power , the problem of seeking personal gain for personal gain , the problem of indifference and law enforcement , the problem of the service attitude , the burnout and the high psychological pressure , etc . In order to solve the problem , the competent departments at all levels have put forward various norms and requirements from different levels , and have also implemented a lot of activities and practices aimed at improving the moral quality . However , there has been no new breakthrough in how to transform the police outside the norms and requirements into moral quality and accomplishment . Therefore , this paper tries to affirm the basic value of humanistic care in the professional ethics education of the police , and take the humanistic care of Marxism as the guidance , and use the new visual field of humanistic care to pay attention to the actual needs of the police individual , and to explore the innovation and development of the police professional ethics education through the combination of theory and reality . The article tries to probe into the concept innovation , the idea transformation , the content development , the method principle , the realization way and the environmental protection of the police professional ethics education . First , from the angle of philosophy and history , the author interprets the humanistic concern of police professional ethics education . Through the analysis of the realistic possibility of the humanistic concern orientation of police professional ethics education , the first step of strengthening the inner relation of the police professional ethics education and humanistic care is realized . Through the historical investigation of the thought of humanistic care , the paper establishes the era value of strengthening the professional ethics construction of the police . Through the analysis of the social requirements of professional ethics , the social background of the subject education , the humanistic connotation of the ideological and political education , the theoretical basis is provided for the realization possibility of integrating the humanistic care idea into the police professional ethics education . Secondly , the present situation of police professional ethics in our country is analyzed from the angle of reality , and it is pointed out that the inflexibility of the police professional ethics education and the lack of humanistic care are the main reasons for the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education . On the basis of this , the article expounds the importance and necessity of strengthening the professional ethics education of the police , and carries on the comprehensive transformation of humanistic care from the aspects of education idea , content system , methodology principle , teacher training , environmental protection and so on , and intends to find a breakthrough to improve the vitality and efficiency of the police professional ethics education . The basic principle of police professional ethics is the core and essence of the content system of police professional ethics education . The basic principle of police professional ethics is the concrete requirement of the content system of police professional ethics education . The professional ethics of the police is the extension of the content system of police professional ethics education . The clear and scientific explanation of the content of the police is the basic and prerequisite for the police individual to do well in moral education . On the one hand , through the analysis of the moral conflict in the police professional field , the attention of the moral education is introduced into the practical field which causes the confusion of the individual thought of the police . On the other hand , through the attention of the cultivation , the moral realm and self - discipline ability of the police individual are promoted . The fifth part analyzes the combination of the police professional ethics education and the humanistic care , discusses the internal and external environmental protection of the police professional ethics education , answers the problems of the police individual learning , the transformation of the moral norm and the requirements , demands , interests and so on , probes into the problems existing in the police individual law enforcement environment from the two aspects , and puts forward the solution .
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