本文关键词: 职务犯 表现 原因 矫治 比较 出处:《华东政法大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,中国的经济建设取得了令世人瞩目的成就。但由于种种原因,少数领导干部走上了犯罪道路,作为腐败现象极端表现形式的职务犯罪,已成为人类社会生活、经济生活、政治生活中的一颗毒瘤,它严重危害国家政治稳定、破坏经济健康发展、损害社会公平正义、腐蚀着政治清明,给公私财产造成严重损失,甚至危及人民群众生命安全。认识职务犯罪的基本情况、犯罪特点和原因及“职务犯”的改造特点,对于有效地矫治“职务犯”及预防、抑制和清除腐败具有十分重要的意义,对全社会党政领导干部队伍建设具有积极的镜鉴作用。 本文分成四个主要部分,以系统分析和比较研究为主要方法。“职务犯”的矫治,是一个有机的系统。有比较才有鉴别,本文的比较研究有:职务犯罪本体比较研究、职务犯与普通刑事犯狱内矫治比较研究、职务犯矫治对策比较研究、职务犯矫治对策与职务犯罪防范对策比较研究。等等。 第一部分,“职务犯罪本体比较研究”主要对职务犯罪的刑法学领域与犯罪学领域比较,职务犯罪近今昔比较,职务犯罪之原因比较,进而得出当前职务犯罪新特点及其原因,进一步完善职务犯罪防控体系。 第二部分,“职务犯与普通刑事犯狱内矫治比较研究”,通过分析、研究和掌握职务犯与普通刑事犯在矫治中的思想、心理和行为特征和转化规律,采取行之有效的矫治对策,对矫治职务犯和预防职务犯罪,将有着重要的意义。 第三部分,“职务犯矫治对策比较研究”,通过对职务犯矫治对策与普通刑事犯矫治对策比较、各种类型的职务犯的矫治对策比较和古今中外职务犯的矫治对策比较,探索出矫治职务犯具体对策。 第四部分,“职务犯”矫治对策与职务犯罪防范对策比较研究”,探讨如何有效地矫治职务犯和预防职务犯罪。 总之,本文主要以“职务犯”的矫治在学科领域中的研究、古今比较与实践状况、中外矫治经验的对比为切入口,立足于国内,放眼于国外,对职务犯矫治工作实践践出现的问题尝试性地提出解决方案,以资相关部门参考。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economic construction has made remarkable achievements. However, for various reasons, a small number of leading cadres have embarked on the road of crime. As an extreme manifestation of corruption, job-related crimes have become human social life. Economic life, a malignant tumor in political life, it seriously endangers the country's political stability, undermines the healthy development of the economy, damages social equity and justice, erodes political Pure Brightness, and causes serious losses to public and private property. Even endangering the safety of the people's lives, it is of great significance to understand the basic situation, the characteristics and causes of crimes committed by duty, and the reform characteristics of "duty criminals" for the effective correction and prevention of "duty criminals" and the suppression and removal of corruption, To the whole society party and government leading cadre troop construction has the positive mirror function. This paper is divided into four main parts, with systematic analysis and comparative study as the main method. The correction of "duty crime" is an organic system. Comparative study on Correction of Duty criminals and ordinary Criminal offenders, Comparative study on Correctional Countermeasures of Duty offenders, Comparative Research on Correctional Countermeasures of Duty offenders and Preventive Countermeasures of Duty crimes, and so on. In the first part, the comparative study on the Noumenon of Duty Crime mainly compares the field of criminal law of duty crime with the field of criminology, the comparison of present and past of duty crime, the reason of duty crime, and then obtains the new characteristics and reasons of present duty crime. Further improve the duty crime prevention and control system. The second part, "A Comparative study on Correction of Duty criminals and ordinary Criminal offenders", through analysis, studies and grasps the ideological, psychological and behavioral characteristics and transformation rules of duty criminals and ordinary criminal offenders, and takes effective corrective countermeasures. It will be of great significance to correct duty criminals and prevent duty crimes. The third part, "the comparative study of the corrective countermeasures of duty crime", compares the corrective countermeasures of duty crime with that of ordinary criminal crime, the correction countermeasures of various types of duty criminals and the correction countermeasures of duty criminals at all times and in all over the world. To explore the specific countermeasures for correction of duty criminals. In the 4th part, the author makes a comparative study on the countermeasures of correction and prevention of job-related crimes, and discusses how to effectively correct and prevent job-related crimes. In a word, this article is based on the research of the correction of "duty crime" in the discipline field, the comparison between ancient and modern times and practice, and the comparison of Chinese and foreign correctional experience, which is based on domestic and foreign countries. This paper tries to put forward solutions to the problems in the practice of correction of duty offenders for the reference of relevant departments.
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