本文关键词: 户籍政策 公平正义 资源分配 出处:《青岛大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 户籍制度是对人口管理和社会资源分配的一项基本社会制度。随着市场经济的发展其公平性受到质疑,由于户籍制度公平性的缺失产生了很多社会问题。在制度公平的基础上进行户籍政策改革是许多专家、学者和媒体关注的焦点。进行户籍政策改革,对于促进城乡协调发展,实现社会公平正义,构建和谐社会都有很大的现实意义。 论文在查阅国内外相关资料的基础上,以北京市户籍政策的现状为例,通过问卷、访谈等调查方法,对北京市的户籍政策进行了多维度的调查并做了深入剖析,参考罗尔斯的正义理论,调查的内容涉及到北京非户籍常住人口的迁徙自由、社会地位、选举权与被选举权、子女教育、就业住房等方面。调查结果显示,非京籍常住人口因受户籍政策的限制遇到很多、不公平的社会问题,突出表现在:非京籍常住人口不能实现真正的迁徙自由,选举权和被选举权很难实现,子女入学困难,不能在北京参加高考,就业机会不公平,住房得不到保障等问题。 针对上述问题,论文针对性地探索并提出了相应的对策,其包括加强户籍立法,保障公民居住和迁徙自由;按照在居住地登记户口的原则,实现居民身份平等;发挥社区居委会的作用,保障非户籍常住人口的选举权和被选举权;加强教育改革,实现教育公平;促进市场引导,实现就业机会公平;推进住房保障改革,实现住房公平。 论文列出的主要问题及相关政策建议可供相关行政部门制定有关政策时参考,以切实公平的户籍政策,解决好非户籍常住人员的民生问题。
[Abstract]:The household registration system is a basic social system for the management of population and the distribution of social resources. With the development of the market economy, its fairness has been questioned. Because of the lack of fairness in the household registration system, there are many social problems. It is the focus of many experts, scholars and media to reform the household registration policy on the basis of institutional fairness. The reform of the household registration policy will promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. It is of great practical significance to realize social fairness and justice and to build a harmonious society. On the basis of consulting relevant information at home and abroad, taking the current situation of household registration policy in Beijing as an example, through questionnaire, interview and other investigation methods, this paper makes a multi-dimensional investigation and in-depth analysis of the household registration policy in Beijing. Referring to Rawls' theory of justice, the contents of the investigation relate to the freedom of movement, social status, the right to vote and stand for election, the education of children, employment and housing of the non-resident population in Beijing. The non-Beijing resident population has encountered a lot of unfair social problems because of the restrictions of the household registration policy. The outstanding problems are that the non-Beijing resident population cannot realize the real freedom of movement, the right to vote and to stand for election is very difficult to realize, and the children are difficult to enrol in school. Can not participate in the college entrance examination in Beijing, employment opportunities are unfair, housing security and other issues. Aiming at the above problems, the paper probes into and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, including strengthening the household registration legislation, protecting citizens' freedom of residence and migration, realizing the equality of residents' identity according to the principle of registered residence and hukou. Give play to the role of neighborhood committees to protect the right to vote and stand for election of non-resident population; strengthen educational reform to achieve education equity; promote market guidance to achieve employment equity; promote housing security reform to achieve housing equity. The main problems and relevant policy suggestions listed in this paper can be used as reference for the relevant administrative departments to formulate relevant policies, and to solve the livelihood problems of non-resident permanent residents in a practical and fair household registration policy.
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