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  本文选题:高等院校 切入点:职务犯罪 出处:《湖南大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 随着高等教育体制改革的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的建立,高等教育迅猛发展。同时,高等院校职务犯罪问题日趋突出,其危害性是严重的,引起了政府和社会高度、广泛的关注。 首先,从犯罪学角度界定高等院校职务犯罪,具体指在高等院校中拥有行政管理权力的领导、拥有学术权力的教师,以及对高等院校重大事项有决策权的后勤管理人员、行政人员利用职权实施的以刑法中关于职务犯罪的规定为基础的传统贪利型职务犯罪行为,以及对高等院校生存、发展具有危害性,应当受到严格限制、取缔或制裁的失职渎职行为以及其他尚未被犯罪化的违法违规行为。高等院校职务犯罪有四个特点,即犯罪案件呈上升趋势、犯罪发生所涉及的领域较为广泛、犯罪实施主体呈群体性发展、犯罪类型的多样性。其次,从宏观层面和微观层面究其成因,概言之为我国高等院校在当前社会大变革下运行机制存在某种缺失、高等院校内部个别工作人员个体心理层面的失衡因素(即微观原因)共同作用所致。再次,以分析当前高等院校职务犯罪防治的现行状况为切入点,对高等院校职务犯罪防治工作中存在的问题进行论证,在探索防治策略上坚持教育、制度、监督并重原则,坚持系统性的双重控制原则,坚持法治原则。从犯罪学角度提出构建防治高等院校职务犯罪的具体策略,即进一步健全高校内部机制建设;完善高等院校职务犯罪的规章制度与相关立法;重点加强商业贿赂行为的预防和打击;建立以情景预防为主,司法预防、社会预防为辅的犯罪预防体系;加强对高等院校工作人员的思想道德教育。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of higher education system and the establishment of socialist market economy, higher education is developing rapidly. At the same time, the problem of job-related crimes in colleges and universities is becoming more and more serious, which has caused a high degree of government and society. Widespread concern. First of all, from the perspective of criminology, the definition of job-related crime in colleges and universities refers specifically to the leadership with administrative power, the teachers with academic power, and the logistic managers who have the power to make decisions on major issues in institutions of higher learning. The traditional profit-type job-related crimes carried out by administrative personnel on the basis of the provisions of the Criminal Law on job-related crimes, and the harmfulness to the survival and development of institutions of higher learning, should be strictly restricted. Dereliction of duty and other illegal acts that have not yet been criminalized. There are four characteristics of job-related crimes in institutions of higher learning, that is, crime cases are on the rise, and crime occurs in a wide range of fields. The main body of crime develops as a group, and the types of crime are diversified. Secondly, the causes of the crime are investigated from the macro and micro levels. In summary, there are some defects in the operating mechanism of our colleges and universities under the great changes in the current society. The imbalance of individual mental level of individual staff in colleges and universities is caused by the joint action of individual psychological level (that is micro reason). Thirdly, this paper analyzes the current situation of prevention and control of job-related crimes in colleges and universities. This paper demonstrates the problems existing in the prevention and control of job-related crimes in colleges and universities, and adheres to the principle of equal emphasis on education, system and supervision, and the principle of systematic dual control in exploring prevention and control strategies. Adhere to the principle of rule of law. From the perspective of criminology, put forward the specific strategies to prevent and cure job-related crimes in colleges and universities, that is, further improve the internal mechanism construction of colleges and universities, perfect the rules and regulations and relevant legislation of duty crimes in colleges and universities. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the prevention and crackdown of commercial bribery; establishing a crime prevention system with situational prevention, judicial prevention and social prevention as auxiliary; and strengthening ideological and moral education for staff in colleges and universities.


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