发布时间:2018-03-16 01:21
本文选题:青少年 切入点:颌面部X线影像测量数据 出处:《山西医科大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 目的 应用青少年颌面部X线影像测量数据,建立青少年性别判别、身高推断、年龄推断的方法,为法医鉴定提供新的指标和新方法。 方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法,抽取于2009年8月-10月期间山西医科大学口腔医院就诊的儿童、青少年患者273名,统一于2009年10月前进行头颅定位照相,获得检测对象的头颅侧位X线像。采用自行设计的《山西省青少年X线头影测量调查表》,由口腔正畸学专业研究生对每张检测对象的头颅侧位X线像进行指标测量。调查项目包括性别、出生日期、籍贯、民族、身高(cm)、体重(kg)、检测时间等7个基本指标和SNA角、SNB角、ANB角、NP-FH面角、Y轴角、NA-PA(颌凸角)、MP-FH(下颌平面角)、SN-MP角、1-SN角、1-MP角、1-NA角、1-NB角和1-T角、1-NA距和1-NB距等15个影像测量数据。使用SPSS 11.5统计分析软件建立数据库,采用判别分析方法建立性别判别公式,并采用Cross-validated(a)法对本判别方法进行评价;采用多元逐步回归分析方法分别建立身高推断和年龄推断公式。 结果 在被调查的273名青少年中,年龄最小者9.17岁,最大者18.93岁;按年龄段分为5组,其中以11-12岁者最多,占到41.76%,其后依次为9-岁(5.13%)、13-岁(35.90%)、15-岁(12.09%)、17-岁(5.13%);以女性为多,其中女170人(62.27%),男103人(37.73%);身高140-cm的21人(7.69%)、150-cm的88人(32.23%)、160-cm的113人(41.39%)、170-cm的47人(17.22%)、180-cm的4人(1.47%)。 1、性别判别方法的建立 男性与女性青少年分别用符号g=1和g=2代表,使用SPSS 15.0软件采用逐步法(stepwise discrimination analysis)进行Fisher判别,引入性别判别公式的有一个变量(ln[MP-FH面角])。典型判别方程的方差分析结果显示,其特征值(Eigenvalue)即组间平方和与组内平方和之比为1.015,典型相关系数(Canonical Corr)为0.821,Wilks的λ值为0.485,经X2检验,X2为24.22,P0.05。根据标准化典则判别系数,其标准化典则判别公式为:Y=-10.251+3.029ln[MP-FH面角]。分别将男、女的ln[MP-FH面角]均值带入上方程,获得其平均判别值Y1和Y2,如表1-12,Y1=-0.156,Y2=0.095,则判别临界值Yc=(Y1+Y2)/2=-0.0305。由于Y1Y2,从而得到判别规则为:将一个新样本的MP-FH面角值带入Y=-10.251+3.029 ln[MP-FH面角]后获得Y值,将Y值与Yc=-0.0305比较,如果YYc则判别为女性,如果YYc则判别为男性。采用Cross-validated(a)法对本研究使用的273组数据进行验证性判别,总判别符合率为75.46%;男性103人,判断正确80人,正确率为77.67%;女性170人,判断正确126人,正确率为74.12%。 2、身高推断方法的建立 以身高(cm)为Y,15个指标分别为X1-X15,使用SPSS 15.0软件采用逐步法(stepwise)进行多元线性回归分析。结果显示,R2=0.053,经方差分析F=7.992,有统计学意义(P0.01)。X13(1-T角)和X12(1-NB角)引入方程,其身高推断的回归方程为:Y=132.381+0.183X13+0.178X12。将原始数据分别进行自然对数转换后,再次使用SPSS 15.0软件采用逐步法(stepwise)进行多元线性回归分析,结果显示,R2=0.080,经方差分析F=12.317,有统计学意义(P0.01)。X13(ln[1-T角])和X12(ln[1-NB角])引入方程,其身高推断的回归方程为:Y=50.540+18.820X13+5.776X12。该结果说明,青少年的身高与1-T角和1-NB角的大小(或自然对数值)呈正相关,1-T角的作用大于1-NB角的作用。 3、年龄推断方法的建立 以年龄(岁)为Y,15个指标分别为Xl-X15,使用SPSS 15.0软件采用逐步法(stepwise)进行多元线性回归分析。结果显示,R2=0.038,经方差分析F=5.702,有统计学意义(P0.01)。X13(1-T角)和X3(ANB角)引入方程,其年龄推断的回归方程为:Y=16.402-0.024X13+0.039X3。将原始数据分别进行自然对数转换后,再次使用SPSS 15.0软件采用逐步法(stepwise)进行多元线性回归分析,结果显示,R2=0.057,经方差分析F=8.594,有统计学意义(P0.01)。X12(ln[1-NB角])和X4 (ln[NP-FH面角])引入方程,其年龄推断的回归方程为:Y=17.575+0.897X12-1.237X4。该结果说明,青少年的年龄与1-NB角的大小(或自然对数值)呈正相关,与NP-FH面角的大小(或自然对数值)呈负相关,NP-FH面角的作用大于1-NB角的作用。 结论 1、本研究根据颌面部X线影像测量数据建立了青少年的性别判别方法,为法医人类学的青少年性别判别提供了新的指标和判别方法。 2、本研究根据颌面部X线影像测量数据建立了青少年身高推断方法,其推断公式为Y=132.381+0.183X13(1-T角)+0.178X12(1-NB角)和Y=50.540+18.820X13(ln[1-T角])+5.776X12(ln[1-NB角]),为法医人类学的青少年身高推断提供了新的指标和判别方法。。 3、本研究根据颌面部X线影像测量数据建立了青少年年龄推断方法,其推断公式为Y=16.402-0.024X13(1-T角)+0.039X3(ANB角)和Y=17.575+0.897X12 (ln[1-NB角])-1.237X4(ln[NP-FH面角]),为法医人类学的青少年年龄推断提供了新的指标和判别方法。
Based on the measurement data of adolescent facial and maxillofacial radiography, we set up a method of adolescent sex discrimination, height estimation and age inference, providing new indicators and new methods for forensic identification.
Using random cluster sampling method, extraction in children hospital Stomatological Hospital of Shanxi Medical University during -10 months of August 2009, 273 young patients, the unity of the photographic head positioning before October 2009, obtain cephalometric radiographs for detecting objects. The self-designed < Shanxi Province young cephalometric questionnaire > by orthodontics graduate of cephalometric radiographs of each detected object index measurement. The survey included gender, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, height (CM), weight (kg), the detection time of 7 basic index and SNA angle, SNB angle, ANB angle, NP-FH angle, Y angle. NA-PA, MP-FH (angle of convexity) (mandibular plane angle), SN-MP angle, 1-SN angle, 1-MP angle, 1-NA angle, 1-NB angle and 1-T angle, 1-NA distance and 1-NB distance of 15 image measurement data. 11.5 statistical analysis software to establish a database using SPSS method established by discriminant analysis The gender discriminant formula was evaluated by Cross-validated (a) method, and the stepwise regression analysis method was used to establish height inference and age estimation formula respectively.
In the survey of 273 teenagers, the youngest 9.17 years old, the oldest was 18.93 years old; according to age, divided into 5 groups, with 11-12 years most, accounted for 41.76%, followed by 9- (5.13%), 13- (35.90%), 15- (12.09%), 17- (5.13% years old); to many women, of which 170 were female (62.27%), 103 male (37.73%); 21 height 140-cm (7.69%), 150-cm 88 (32.23%), 160-cm 113 (41.39%), 170-cm 47 (17.22%), 180-cm 4 (1.47%).
1, the establishment of gender discrimination method
Male and female adolescents respectively by the symbol g=1 and g=2, using SPSS 15 software using stepwise method (stepwise discrimination analysis) Fisher discriminant, the sex discriminant formula has a variable (ln[MP-FH angle "). Typical variance analysis discriminant equation showed that the characteristic value (Eigenvalue) is the sum of squares between groups square and group and the ratio of 1.015, the canonical correlation coefficient (Canonical Corr) 0.821, Wilks value was 0.485, by X2 test, X2 24.22, P0.05. according to the standardized canonical discriminant coefficient, the standardized canonical discriminant formula: Y=-10.251+3.029ln[MP-FH angle. The male, ln[MP-FH female angle] mean into the equation, get the average discriminant values of Y1 and Y2, as shown in table 1-12, Y1=-0.156, Y2=0.095, Yc=, discriminant critical value (Y1+Y2) / 2=-0.0305. as Y1Y2, so as to obtain the rules for discrimination: a new sample of MP-FH surface The angle value into Y=-10.251+3.029 angle ln[MP-FH] to be Y, the Y value compared with Yc=-0.0305, if YYc is discrimination for women, if it is judged as male. YYc by Cross-validated (a) was used to distinguish 273 groups of data used in this study, the total coincidence rate was 75.46%; 103 men. Right 80, the correct rate is 77.67%; 170 female, right 126, the correct rate is 74.12%.
2, the establishment of the method of height inference
The height (CM) of Y, 15 indexes were X1-X15, using the SPSS 15 software (stepwise) method using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that R2=0.053 and F=7.992 were analyzed by analysis of variance, there was statistical significance (P0.01).X13 (1-T angle) and X12 (1-NB angle) into the equation, the regression equation the inference of height is Y=132.381+0.183X13+0.178X12. of the original data were natural log transformed, again using the SPSS 15 software (stepwise) method using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that R2=0.080, F and =12.317 were analyzed by analysis of variance, there was statistical significance (P0.01.X13 (ln[1-T)] and X12 angle (ln[1-NB angle)]) introduction the equation of regression equations for stature estimation: Y=50.540+18.820X13+5.776X12. the result shows that adolescent height and 1-T angle and 1-NB angle (or the natural logarithm of the 1-T angle) was positively related to more than 1-NB angle.
3, the establishment of age inference method
By age (years) is Y, 15 indexes were Xl-X15, using the SPSS 15 software (stepwise) method using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that R2=0.038 and F=5.702 were analyzed by analysis of variance, there was statistical significance (P0.01).X13 (1-T angle) and X3 (ANB angle) into the equation, the regression equation age is Y=16.402-0.024X13+0.039X3. of the original data were natural log transformed, again using the SPSS 15 software (stepwise) method using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that R2=0.057, by the analysis of variance was statistically significant (F= 8.594, P0.01.X12 (ln[1-NB)] and X4 (ln[NP-FH angle) angle]) the introduction of equation, the regression equation for the estimation of age: Y=17.575+0.897X12-1.237X4. the results showed that the age of adolescents with 1-NB angle (or the natural logarithm of the positive correlation) and NP-FH surface angle (or natural logarithm) negative phase The effect of NP-FH angle is greater than that of 1-NB angle.
1, based on the measurement data of maxillofacial X-ray images, we established a gender discrimination method for adolescents, which provided new indicators and discriminant methods for sex discrimination in forensic anthropology.
2, this study established that adolescent height method according to the maxillofacial X-ray measurement data, the deduced formula is Y=132.381+0.183X13 (1-T) +0.178X12 (1-NB) and Y=50.540+18.820X13 (ln[1-T] +5.776X12 angle (ln[1-NB angle)]), provides a new index and discrimination method. Adolescent height inference in forensic anthropology
3, this study established the adolescent age estimation method based on maxillofacial X-ray measurement data, the deduced formula is Y=16.402-0.024X13 (1-T) +0.039X3 (ANB) and Y=17.575+0.897X12 (ln[1-NB] -1.237X4 angle (ln[NP-FH angle)]), provides a new index and identification method for forensic science of youth age.
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