发布时间:2018-03-19 04:08
本文选题:劳动教养制度 切入点:立法缺陷 出处:《贵州大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 劳动教养制度是我国独创的对特定对象限制人身自由进行强制性教育改造的一种法律制度。五十多年来,劳动教养制度先后教育和改造了300多万违法犯罪分子,在维护社会治安、预防犯罪方面发挥了十分重要的作用。但是,随着我国改革开放的不断深入,依法治国制度的逐步确立和完善,民众对民主法治的要求日益提高,对人权、程序正义和公正等问题的日益重视,劳动教养制度的缺陷越来越凸显出来。在宪法方面,劳动教养制度的宪法依据是关于公民义务的规范。但随着社会、政治、经济的发展,我国社会结构也由过去一元化的政治社会逐步向二元化的政治社会和市民社会演变,国家和公民的关系发生了根本的变化,政府根据宪法关于公民义务的规范来限制公民人身自由的合法性受到质疑。在行政法方面,《行政处罚法》、特别是《立法法》的颁布实施,引发了劳动教养制度在立法主体方面的合法性危机。除此之外,劳动教养制度以防卫社会为逻辑起点,以人身危险性为评判标准,普遍存在对尚不够刑事处罚的违法犯罪分子施以比部分刑罚还要严厉的处罚,也引起了广泛的争议。因此,如何使我国已经不适应现实要求的劳动教养制度焕发出新的生命力,就需要在劳动教养制度的立法上进行进一步的完善。 本论文通过对中国劳动教养制度的历史、法律依据、性质,劳动教养的对象和范围等方面加以阐述,同时也对劳动教养存在的弊端进行探讨,对当今诸多学者对劳动教养制度所持观点的分析以及将劳动教养制度与国外相关法律制度的比较,从法理角度和实践角度提出完善劳动教养制度的立法思路和建议,以便能更好地服务于中国的改革开放、现代化建设和和谐社会的构建。 本论文共分为五个部分: 第一章劳动教养制度的历史发展及其性质。首先对我国劳动教养制度的历史进行了阐述,并对该制度所取得的历史成就进行了总结,最后对劳动教养制度的性质阐述了笔者的看法,进行了评析。 第二章劳动教养制度与国外相关法律制度的比较。该章对西方轻罪制度进行了简要的介绍和评析,并与中国的劳动教养制度进行比较;同时对西方保安处分制度的历史发展,不同的立法模式进行了介绍,并归纳出司法适用的一般条件,也与中国的劳动教养制度进行了异同比较。 第三章劳动教养制度的立法缺陷。劳动教养制度在实体法方面的缺陷:缺少充分的法律依据,缺乏合法性;与《行政处罚法》《立法法》规定的内容存在较大的矛盾和冲突;不符合比例原则,强度设计不合理。劳动教养制度在程序法方面的缺陷:与程序中立原则相冲突;与程序参与原则相矛盾。 第四章劳动教养制度的存废之争。首先列举了存置论与废除论的几种主要观点,然后笔者对其进行了深入浅出的分析,最后发表了自己的看法。笔者认为,劳动教养制度的存在和发展有着深厚的理论基础(马克思主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论),在理论上具有合理性。 第五章立法完善中国劳动教养制度的思路和建议。首先从以下两个方面对当前亟需完善中国劳动教养制度的必要性作了理论评析:健全中国的司法行政制度以推动依法行政;维护劳动教养人员的合法权益以促进和谐社会的建立。其次,提出了从法理和实践的两个角度进一步完善中国劳动教养制度的途径,并就立法完善中国劳动教养制度提出了具体的对策性思路和建议。
[Abstract]:The system of reeducation through labor is a kind of legal system of our country on the original object specific restriction of personal freedom of compulsory education reform. Over the past fifty years, the system of reeducation through labor and education has transformed about 3000000 criminals, in maintaining social order, crime prevention has played a very important role. However, with the deepening of our China's reform and opening up, establishing and perfecting law system, the public demands for democracy and the rule of law is increasing, increasing emphasis on human rights, justice and fair procedures and other issues, the system of reeducation through labor shortage is becoming more and more prominent. In the constitution, the constitution of the system of reeducation through labor is about the civil obligation. But with the social, political and economic development, the social structure of our country from the past unified political society gradually to two yuan of social and political evolution of civil society, the state A fundamental change between the legitimacy of the government and citizens, to restrict the personal freedom of citizens according to constitutional norms on citizenship has been questioned. In the aspect of administrative law, administrative punishment law > < < >, especially the legislation law of the promulgation and implementation of the system of reeducation through labor, triggered a crisis of legitimacy in the legislative body. In addition, the system of reeducation through labor is the logical starting point to defend the society, take the personal risk as the criterion, common to more severe than some penalty of punishment is not serious enough for criminal punishment of criminals, but also caused wide controversy. Therefore, how to make our country has not meet the requirements of reality the system of reeducation through labor full of new vitality, we need in the system of reeducation through labor legislation be perfected further.