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发布时间:2018-04-24 01:10

  本文选题:治安承包 + 治安防范 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the period of social transformation, with the gradual advancement of social reform, the contradictions between the social strata are deepened, and the mobility of the population is increasing, which has brought unprecedented challenges to the public security work in the new period. Combined with the influence of the government public reform and the fifth police reform wave, the public security contract came into being in the public security work. It introduces administrative contracts and market mechanisms into the affairs of public security prevention and public security management, breaking the old tradition of providing public security services mainly unilaterally by the government, in order to solve the problem of inadequate police strength and reduce administrative costs. Mobilization of citizens to participate in public security work and other aspects have achieved positive results. At the same time, security contract from the beginning of the controversy, many issues have not been concluded. For example, how to carry out public security contract, how to bear the funds of contract, and how to position the role of public security organs in public security contracting. In practice, problems such as abuse of power and increasing the financial burden of the public have hindered its development as an innovative social management model. Based on sorting out the practice of public security contracting in various places, this paper classifies the mode of public security contracting in operation at present in order to find out the problems in current practice and to discuss the core issues in dispute. This paper attempts to find out the development path and direction of public security contract in the transition period of the society under the premise of facing up to the remarkable effect of public security contract in practice. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the research background of public security contracting. Including a summary of the research on public security contracting, the significance of public security contracting in theory and practice. The second part expounds the concept of public security contract. With the help of other academic achievements of existing research materials, the concept of public security contract is divided and defined, and its basic characteristics in the process of operation are expounded. Then it is compared with community policing, police service socialization, security services and other similar concepts, with a more clear comparison of the connotation of public security contracting; the third part summarizes the actual operation of public security contracting. First from the current practice of public security contracting, according to the contractor's differences as the standard, sort out its typical operation mode, and then summarize the current practice of common problems; the fourth part is the reflection of the core issues of public security contracting. The consideration of public security contract disputes is the key to the smooth progress of public security contracting. Through the detailed analysis of the core issues such as the legal basis and the nature of the contract, and the summary of the effectiveness of the public security contract, This paper discusses the core problems of public security contracting from the perspective of positive and negative, which lays a foundation for the analysis of the fifth part of the path, and the fifth part discusses the specific path of public security contracting in detail. On the premise that it has achieved remarkable practical effect it tries to regulate all aspects of the operation of public security contract in order to find out the way of its development under the current social background. Based on the existing research on the relevant documents and works on public security contracting, this paper, proceeding from the reality of the current public security contract operation, applies the research methods of literature investigation, actual investigation, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, comprehensive analysis, and so on. The theory and practice of public security contract are deeply analyzed. Hope to provide useful reference for the actual operation and promotion of public security contract in our country.


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