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发布时间:2018-04-25 18:09

  本文选题:网络犯罪 + 侦查主体 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 网络犯罪目前已成为国际社会的一大公害,网络犯罪所具有的迅捷性、多变性以及影响全球社会的特点,使得控制网络犯罪必须依靠国际社会的共同努力。2001年,旨在建立一种快速而有效的国际合作体系以适应控制网络犯罪的特殊需要的国际刑法公约——《关于网络犯罪的公约》问世。从总体上确立了控制网络犯罪的原则和措施,并明确要求各缔约国应采取可能必要的立法和其他措施,将网络犯罪确定为其国内法中的刑事犯罪。中国与韩国同属大陆法系,又毗邻相望,在惩治网络犯罪的立法方面有着很多共同之处,但也存在诸多差异。为互相借鉴,取长补短,更有利于合作打击和惩治网络犯罪,本文选取了中韩两国网络犯罪立法问题撰写学位论文。 全文共有五章。第一章是网络犯罪概述,主要考察了网络犯罪的概念、特征、种类及其现实危害;第二章是中韩两国网络犯罪构成的异同比较,从犯罪主体、犯罪客体、犯罪主观方面、犯罪客观方面这四个要件进行对比研究;第三章是中韩两国网络犯罪的侦察主体及预防机制,分别对这两个方面的问题进行了考察;第四章是中韩两国网络犯罪的惩罚之比较,主要从刑法体系、刑罚幅度、刑种几方面作了对比;第五章是对中韩两国网络犯罪立法的评述,主要从存在的不足与完善建议这两个方面展开论述,根据两国国情的不同和实际状况,提出了自己的一些不成熟的想法。由于本人在国际刑法方面的知识甚浅,又加之受到语言的阻碍,对上述问题只能是做一些简单的探讨,很多地方还需要在以后的学习工作中深入探讨研究,敬请各位老师见谅。
[Abstract]:Cybercrime has now become a major public hazard in the international community. Cybercrime is characterized by its rapidity, variability and influence on the global community, which makes the control of cybercrime depend on the joint efforts of the international community. In 2001, The Convention on Cybercrime, an international criminal law convention aimed at establishing a rapid and effective system of international cooperation to meet the special needs of cybercrime control, came into being. In general, the principles and measures for the control of cybercrime are established, and States parties are explicitly required to adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish cybercrime as a criminal offence in their domestic law. China and South Korea belong to the continental law system and are adjacent to each other. There are many common points in the legislation of punishing cybercrime, but there are also many differences. In order to learn from each other, learn from each other and make up for each other, this paper chooses China and South Korea to write a dissertation on the legislation of cybercrime in China and South Korea. There are five chapters in this paper. The first chapter is an overview of cybercrime, which mainly examines the concept, characteristics, types and actual harm of cybercrime. The second chapter is a comparison of the composition of cybercrime between China and South Korea, from the subject of crime, the object of crime, the subjective aspects of crime. The four elements of the objective aspect of the crime are compared. The third chapter is the investigation and prevention mechanism of the cyber crime between China and South Korea. The fourth chapter is the comparison of the punishment of the cybercrime between China and Korea. Mainly from the criminal law system, the penalty range, the type of punishment several aspects have made the contrast; the fifth chapter is the commentary to the Chinese and the Korean cybercrime legislation, mainly from the existence insufficiency and the consummation suggestion these two aspects carries on the elaboration, According to the differences between the two countries and the actual situation, put forward their own immature ideas. As my knowledge of international criminal law is very shallow, coupled with language obstacles, the above problems can only do some simple discussion, many places also need to further study in the future work, please forgive the teachers.


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