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发布时间:2018-06-10 07:35

  本文选题:社区服务刑 + 公益劳动 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Community service penalty refers to the penalty method of non-imprisonment in the second half of the 20th century that the criminal is sentenced by the court to a certain amount of unpaid public labor for the public interest of the community under certain supervision and within a specified time. With the tide of judicial reform of non-punishment and non-imprisonment of crime in the international scope, countries have begun to look for penalty methods that can replace the traditional imprisonment, which is mainly manifested in the United Kingdom, the United States, and the United States. New penalties have emerged in countries such as Russia: community service or public service. On the basis of its powerful theory of reversion of the new society, the theory of penalty mitigation, the theory of socialization of execution, and the theory of criminal compensation, community service punishment has the unique superiority that the traditional penalty method does not possess. Because community service punishment is essentially a non-custodial penalty, it avoids many disadvantages of short-term imprisonment, blocks the spread of prison sub-culture, prevents the cross-infection between criminals, and saves a lot of judicial resources. The community service penalty requires the criminal to carry on the compulsory labor in the specific community, which not only improves the serving consciousness of the prisoners, but also makes the community people see their sincere repentance, which is more conducive to the re-socialization of the criminals. Make it return to society smoothly to reduce the possibility of reoffending, further promote community harmony. China's Criminal Law Amendment (8) in 2011 expanded the applicable conditions for probation and parole. In 2015, the Criminal Law Amendment (9) criminalized many acts that were originally classified as public security violations, thus expanding the criminal circle. Many misdemeanours have been added. However, the traditional penalty of imprisonment can not meet the large increase of misdemeanor, which puts forward a severe request to the existing penalty system of our country. With the development of judicial practice, the community correction in our country has accumulated rich experience, manpower, material resources and financial resources, which provides a sufficient guarantee for the effective implementation of community service punishment after the introduction of our country. Therefore, our country should timely introduce community service penalty, and perfect legislative design. First of all, the community service punishment should be defined as the supplementary punishment in the penalty system after it is introduced into our country, in order to expect the community service punishment to play its due superiority, to make up for the deficiency in the present penalty system of our country. Secondly, the labor project and execution place of community service penalty should embody its nature of public welfare, which can not only punish the criminal but also benefit the development of the community. Thirdly, the applicable object and applicable conditions of community service penalty should be clearly stipulated in the criminal law. The emergence of community service penalty is mainly to reduce the application of short-term free punishment, which requires the offender to correct in the open community environment, which determines the application of community service penalty for minor offenders. It is required to have a certain labor capacity to complete the prescribed service projects. Finally, the offender who fails to complete the provisions of the community service penalty should be punished accordingly, if the circumstances are less serious, he should be warned or ordered to provide the guarantor to pay a bond, etc. If the circumstances are more serious, their community service penalty as imprisonment or fine. Community service penalty is expected to achieve good results in our judicial practice.


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