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发布时间:2018-07-09 10:03

  本文选题:生态犯罪 + 犯罪化 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:在犯罪学中,对犯罪现象的研究即是对犯罪的研究。因此,对生态犯罪现象的研究实质上就是对生态犯罪的研究。生态犯罪是随着经济社会的快速发展而出现的一种新的犯罪类型。18世纪的工业革命,促进了生产力的极大解放,带来了物质财富的巨大增长,同时也给生态环境造成了严重的污染与破坏。正是由于生态犯罪对人类社会所造成的极大危害性,引发了人们的广泛关注,有关生态犯罪的研究也逐渐深入。 犯罪学和刑法学(狭义)都研究生态犯罪,但两者所研究的对象有质的区别:犯罪学主要是把生态犯罪作为一种客观存在的社会现象来把握展开研究;刑法学(狭义)主要在规范的层面上研究生态犯罪的成立要件。因此在界定生态犯罪概念的时候,须要明确观察问题的视域,不能混淆了学科之间的界限。但是两者也不是截然分开的。犯罪学通过对生态犯罪现象的研究,为刑事立法提供了基础。这其中犯罪化起到学科连结的作用。从犯罪学的学科特性出发,犯罪学中的犯罪化概念有自己独特的特征,与我们通常理解的犯罪化概念理应有所不同。 在明确了犯罪学上的生态犯罪与规范刑法学(狭义)上的生态犯罪关系后,从犯罪学的角度对生态犯罪的概念重新进行了界定。然后从事实层面上升到立法层面,选择有典型代表性国家的生态犯罪的犯罪化状况进行介绍,并对各国生态犯罪的犯罪化状况进行了分析。在前述的基础上,比较分析了我国有关生态犯罪的立法现状和特点,然后着重指出我国有关生态犯罪立法存在的缺陷,并相应地提出了生态犯罪科学立法之构想的建议。
[Abstract]:In criminology, the study of crime is the study of crime. Therefore, the study of ecological crime is essentially the study of ecological crime. Ecological crime is a new type of crime that appeared with the rapid development of economy and society. The industrial revolution in the 18th century promoted the great emancipation of productive forces and brought great growth of material wealth. At the same time, it also caused serious pollution and damage to the ecological environment. Because of the great harm caused by ecological crime to human society, people pay more and more attention to it, and the research on ecological crime is gradually deepening. Both criminology and criminal jurisprudence (narrow sense) study ecological crime, but the object of their study is qualitative difference: criminology mainly studies ecological crime as an objective social phenomenon; Criminal law (narrow sense) mainly studies the establishment elements of ecological crime on the level of norms. Therefore, when defining the concept of ecological crime, it is necessary to clearly observe the scope of the problem and not to confuse the boundaries between disciplines. But the two are not entirely separate. Criminology provides the basis for criminal legislation through the study of ecological crime. Among them, criminalization acts as a link between disciplines. Starting from the subject characteristics of criminology, the concept of criminalization in criminology has its own unique characteristics, which should be different from the concept of criminalization that we usually understand. After clarifying the relationship between ecological crime in criminology and regulating ecological crime in criminal law (narrow sense), the concept of ecological crime is redefined from the angle of criminology. Then from the fact level to the legislative level, select the typical representative countries of ecological crime status of crime to introduce, and analyze the status of the crime of ecological crime in various countries. On the basis of the foregoing, this paper compares and analyzes the current situation and characteristics of the legislation on ecological crime in China, and then points out the defects of the legislation on ecological crime in China, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for the scientific legislation of ecological crime.


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