[Abstract]:Law teaching is one of the basic contents of training the professional ability of the police. The law of public security plays an extremely important guiding role in the law enforcement activities of the police. In 2009, the reform of the national political and legal police recruitment and training system is under way. Under the background of the change of the public security education model from the traditional education of academic qualifications to the vocational education based on skill training, The contradiction between teaching and practice in public security law education is becoming more and more obvious, and the reform of law course is imperative. From the point of view of the professionalization of police education, the construction of law course in public security colleges and universities should focus on the center of highlighting the practice of public security and the characteristics of specialty, relying on the teaching means of developing modern information technology. The teaching reform should not only have the theory of general courses, but also emphasize the practicality and application of teaching contents, and construct a new teaching idea of "teaching, learning, training and war integration".
【作者单位】: 铁道警官高等专科学校法律系;
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