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发布时间:2018-08-28 19:44
[Abstract]:As a social problem, juvenile delinquency endangers the stability of society and affects the implementation and realization of various policies for the development of teenagers. Most of the labor education of juvenile prisoners during their prison term is engaged in simple manual labor, and there is little technical labor education. Naturally, it is very difficult to master the skills of returning to society, and some even encounter relatives and friends because of their previous experience in serving their sentences. The social exclusion of classmates and social personages often leads to the road of crime because they can not survive because they can not find their own way of living. At the same time, when juvenile delinquents are punished by society, their social reputation deviates from the mainstream of society, leading to social discrimination, and most people have inferiority complex. Therefore, juvenile delinquents, as a special social vulnerable group, need more attention. Based on this, this paper focuses on the social exclusion of juvenile delinquency from the perspective of social assistance. Based on the system policy level, social level, family level and individual problems in the management of juvenile delinquents in Liaoning Province, this paper discusses the causes of the problems in depth. The social assistance measures for juvenile delinquents in Liaoning Province are put forward. Relying on social exclusion theory, social welfare theory, social control theory and national parental power theory, the paper explains the related factors that affect the social assistance of juvenile delinquency, and has never been in custody and in the stage of returning to society. This paper puts forward the policy assistance in the fields of employment promotion, social insurance, guardianship system, social welfare and so on, so as to realize the seamless connection between juvenile correctional institutions and social placement, and promote the strategy of social return. At the same time, we should protect the rights and interests of juvenile offenders, reduce the recidivism rate, and achieve the goal of maintaining social stability.


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