[Abstract]:Floating population crime is a social phenomenon in any historical period and any social system. At present, our country is in the period of transition from planned economy to market economy and from traditional society to modern society. In this historical period, with the vigorous development of economy, the degree of social mobility continues to strengthen, the number of floating population increases rapidly, and the crime problem of floating population becomes more and more complex and serious. As a result of the imbalance in the beginning of the social transformation in our country, the crime of floating population in this period also has a lot of particularities, and the development trend of the crime of floating population shows a tendency of becoming more and more serious, so, It is particularly urgent and important to systematically analyze the causes of the crimes committed by the floating population in the period of social transformation, and to sum up the countermeasures for controlling the crimes committed by the floating population. This paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the historical stages of social transformation in China are divided, and the history and current situation of social transformation and the impact of social transformation on the crime of floating population are reviewed and summarized. The second part analyzes the characteristics and development trend of the crime of floating population in the period of transition. The crime of floating population has obvious characteristics such as violence, encroachment on money, mobility, gang, subject of low age and so on, and the crime continues to rise. The third part summarizes the causes of the floating population crime, this article from the social background, economic factors, cultural traditions, the characteristics of the main body of four aspects of the crime of floating population in detail. The fourth part finally puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for solving the crime problem of floating population, including social prevention and control, subject prevention and control, legal prevention and control and so on. This paper adopts the method of empirical research. In the process of writing the article, I refer to many statistical data of public security organs and research reports of experts and scholars. These data can explain the current situation and reasons of crimes committed by floating population. Supporting one's own argument played a key role. This paper also uses the method of comparative study, draws lessons from the relevant research results of foreign countries in the field of floating population crime, and combines with the historical situation in the transition period of our country, finally comes up with the countermeasures of prevention and control suitable for the specific national conditions in the transition period of our country.
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