[Abstract]:The globalization of human mobility is an irresistible historical trend and an important symbol of the irreversible globalization of human society. In particular, after the second World War, driven by the growth of trade and the advancement of science and technology, the cross-border movement of people is increasingly characterized by acceleration, diversity, complexity, and political nature, both in breadth and depth. Have reached unprecedented levels. The movement of people across borders is closely related to major global events, such as revolution, war and the rise and fall of great powers, closely related to issues such as economic development, national creation and political reform, as well as issues such as conflict, persecution, and deprivation of rights. In order to meet the challenge of globalization of people mobility and safeguard national interests, many countries have reformed their immigration (entry and exit) management system. The management of the entry and exit of foreigners refers to the administrative actions of foreigners who are resident in their own countries, which involve the sovereignty, security and interests of a country, and are closely related to international relations. In a broad sense, the management of foreigners' entry and exit belongs to the category of immigration management. In the historical background of the globalization of personnel mobility, the number of foreigners entering and leaving China is increasing day by day, the status of foreigners in China is becoming more and more diversified, and they are extensively participating in all aspects of our social life, which on the one hand is conducive to the expansion of the opening up of our country. To develop friendly relations with foreign countries in order to create favorable conditions for economic and social development; on the other hand, the accompanying illegal entry and residence of foreigners, Illegal employment, criminal and even terrorist activities bring great pressure to the security and stability of our country. How to balance the relationship between security and development, while effectively cracking down on all kinds of illegal entry and exit activities and other criminal acts to ensure the security and stability of the country, and at the same time safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners entering and leaving the country, It is an important subject in the management of the entry and exit of foreigners in China. At present, great progress has been made in the management of the entry and exit of foreigners in our country. The management concept has gradually evolved from the ruling and controlling type to the management service type, and a legal system with the entry and exit Control Law of the people's Republic of China as the core has been preliminarily established. A systematic management organization has been formed, but there are still some drawbacks, which can not meet the requirements of developing foreign relations, safeguarding national interests and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners in and out of the country under the new situation. This paper systematically analyzes the shortcomings of the management of the entry and exit of foreigners in our country, combining with the reform practice of the management of foreign immigrants (entry and exit), puts forward the idea of opening up, inclusive and global vision, and formulates a unified foreign code. In order to meet the challenges brought by the globalization of personnel flow, we should set up an integrated management system for foreigners' entry and exit.
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