[Abstract]:Since its birth in 1957, the system of re-education through labour has played a positive role in the maintenance of public order and comprehensive management, but it has been debated and questioned more often. In recent years, the awareness of the rights of society as a whole, including reeducation through labour, has become increasingly strong. The legal provisions of the rights of reeducation through labour, the protection of the system and the actual enjoyment of the rights have also been increasingly affected by the state judiciaries and law enforcers. Legal services and public concern. The 2004 Amendment to the Constitution formally enshrines "the state respects and guarantees human rights". With the deepening of social reform in our country, great changes have taken place in the social structure and system. The relevant provisions of re-education through labour have been amended and supplemented many times, and the legal provisions on the rights of reeducation through labour have also undergone corresponding changes. But there is still a huge crisis of legitimacy in the system of reeducation through labor. In fact, on the one hand, because of the inherent deficiency of the system of re-education through labour, it has always been a sensitive topic involving human rights and freedom, and is also a hot and difficult point in the modern jurisprudence of our country. The enhancement of people's right consciousness and the trend of the rule of law in international society put forward all sorts of heckles on the system of reeducation through labour. Moreover, in the actual operation process, there are some problems in the protection of the rights of reeducation through labour. This paper tries to avoid the discussion about the system of re-education through labor and adopts the viewpoint of reforming the existing system of re-education through labor in order to find a way to solve the problem which is easy to realize in reality. Based on the investigation of the present situation of the rights of the reeducation through labor, this paper discusses the possible ways to strengthen the protection of the rights of the reeducation through labor, so as to gradually establish the concept of the protection of the rights of the law-enforcers, improve the quality of the reform of education, and promote the realization of the aim of reeducation through labour to the maximum This paper logically starts with the theory of the rights of reeducation through labor, through the empirical investigation of the current situation of the rights of reeducation through labor, and then analyzes the measures to safeguard the rights of the current reeducation through labor. On the whole, the author compares the right with the real right, finds out the deficiency, finds out the reasons, and puts forward some suggestions on how to further protect the rights of the reeducation through labor personnel.
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