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发布时间:2018-10-11 18:45
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国社会正由传统封闭的农业社会向现代开放的工业社会转型,由政府主导的计划经济向自由竞争的社会主义市场经济过渡,社会加速转型,各种利益协调机制尚不完善,势必造成利益纠纷,增加社会矛盾,与之相应的是民众的法律维权意识不断增强,极易引发群体性事件,使社会呈现出“风险社会”的特点。 随着群体性事件的频发,其介入主体也多元化。大学生正处在人生观、世界观、价值观形成发展的关键时期,面对社会深刻转型、技术不断变革、思想日益多元,他们很有可能成为群体性事件高危人群。在群体性事件面前,他们究竟是怎样的选择取向理应得到关注。因此,笔者作为社会学专业研究生选择将该问题作为毕业论文选题展开实际研究。 笔者在研究中,主要是采取文献研究与实证研究相结合方法。在文献研究与理论梳理的基础上,认真进行问卷设计与实地调查,发放问卷300份,回收有效问卷267份,并采用SPSS软件对调查结果进行了分析,从中得出:尽管多数大学生群体在面对群体性事件时会做出理性选择,但是其中也存在着非理性因素,如果不引起足够重视或许会成为社会不稳定因素等结论。对此,笔者从社会学视角进行了积极思考回应,提出了实践中解决该问题应当采取的具体方法措施。 论文能够侧重从实际调查高度对大学生介入群体性事件选择取向问题展开研究,对于现实中有效地把握大学生参与社会的思想取向及其方式,引导大学生群体选择理性认知社会参与社会实际活动,促进和谐社会建设,提供了可以借鉴的实际样本,在这个意义上讲,论题选题具有新意,论题研究具有重要的实践价值。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the society of our country is transforming from the traditional closed agricultural society to the modern open industrial society, the planned economy led by the government to the socialist market economy of free competition, and the society is speeding up the transformation. All kinds of interest coordination mechanisms are not perfect, which will inevitably cause interest disputes and increase social contradictions. Accordingly, the public's awareness of legal rights protection is constantly strengthened, which can easily lead to mass events and make the society present the characteristics of "risk society". With the frequent occurrence of mass events, the subjects involved in it are also diversified. College students are in the critical period of the formation and development of their outlook on life, world outlook and values. In the face of the profound transformation of society, the continuous technological changes and the increasing diversity of ideas, they are likely to become high risk groups of mass events. In the face of mass events, what kind of choice they should be paid attention to. Therefore, as a graduate student majoring in sociology, the author chooses this question as the topic of graduation thesis to carry out practical research. In the research, the author mainly adopts the combination of literature research and empirical research. On the basis of literature research and theoretical analysis, the questionnaire design and field investigation were carried out, 300 questionnaires were distributed, 267 valid questionnaires were collected, and the results were analyzed by SPSS software. It is concluded that although most college students will make rational choices in the face of group events, there are also irrational factors, which may become social instability factors if not paid enough attention to. In this paper, the author makes a positive reflection and response from the angle of sociology, and puts forward the concrete methods and measures to solve this problem in practice. The thesis can focus on the study of the choice orientation of college students' involvement in mass events from the perspective of actual investigation, and effectively grasp the ideological orientation and ways of college students' participation in society in reality. To guide the college students to choose a rational cognitive society to participate in social activities and to promote the construction of a harmonious society provides a practical sample that can be used for reference. In this sense the topic selection is of new meaning and the research on the topic has important practical value.


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