[Abstract]:Money laundering refers to the proceeds of and proceeds from the crime of knowing that it is a drug crime, an organized crime of a triad nature, a crime of terrorist activities, a crime of smuggling, a crime of corruption and bribery, a crime of undermining the order of financial management, and a crime of financial fraud. The act of concealing its origin and nature. Under the background of economic globalization, the crime of money laundering in China is different from that in mature market economy countries. If the public security organs still use the traditional way to carry out their work, they can not achieve the expected purpose. At present, there are some problems such as the lack of sources of intelligence clues and the difficulty of investigation in the fight against money laundering by public security organs. However, the authority of law enforcement by public security organs, the understanding and attention of society to the crime of money laundering, and the quality of investigators, The cooperation between departments and the legal definition have become the reasons for the difficulty of the public security organs in fighting against the crime of money laundering. This paper analyzes some basic theoretical and practical problems in the fight against money laundering by public security organs in order to improve and improve the effectiveness of the public security organs in the fight against money laundering. This paper starts with the concept of public security organs to fight money laundering crime, analyzes the organization system and characteristics of money laundering crime in the period of transformation, and discusses the existing problems and reasons of public security organs in fighting money laundering crime. Drawing lessons from foreign anti-money laundering experience, the author puts forward that we should strengthen the propaganda and education of money laundering crime, raise the public's understanding of the harm of money laundering, promote the legal construction of anti-money laundering, and improve the criminal judicial environment of anti-money laundering. To strengthen the construction of the public security organs to fight against the crime of money laundering, to improve the ability and level of fighting against the crime of money laundering, to take various measures to strengthen the investigation and control of the crime of money laundering, and to strengthen domestic and international law enforcement cooperation against money laundering, and so on.
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