[Abstract]:To realize the equalization of public transportation service is one of the important goals of the reform of traffic administration system in our country. From the point of view of the current situation of equalization of supply of public transport services, the pattern of exclusive monopoly of the government has been broken, and the practice of cooperative supply of multiple subjects has been carried out. However, whether in terms of the quantity or quality of the public transport services provided to them, the region, There is still a big gap between different groups in urban and rural areas. Through field investigation and data integration analysis, it is found that although the supply mode of public transport services has carried on the innovation of multi-supply main body, the mechanism to ensure the cooperation of multi-supply main body is not perfect. From the view of cooperation process, There are some problems, such as poor cooperative communication mechanism, imperfect cooperative trust mechanism and imperfect cooperative constraint mechanism, which lead to the difficulty of equalizing the cooperative supply of multiple subjects in public transport services. The real mode of cooperative supply of public transportation service equalization should first ensure the equal opportunity of public service supply, and then optimize the operating elements mechanism of the cooperation process by equalization. To achieve the equality of cooperation process, to ensure the realization of public transport services supply results equality. Therefore, this paper mainly takes the cooperation of the main body of public transportation service as the research object, takes the equalization as the research angle, on the basis of referring to the theory of transaction cost, the theory of collective action and the theory of welfare economy. Take the cooperation process as the main line of study, form the trust mechanism in the process of obligation from the communication mechanism in the process of negotiation and negotiation. Three aspects of the constraint mechanism in the process of supervising and fulfilling the responsibility have constructed the analytical framework of the cooperation mechanism of the public transport service providers in order to analyze the equalization of the cooperation process of the public transport service providers. To achieve the goal of equalization of the overall results of the cooperation of public transport service providers. On the basis of analyzing the contents of the framework, taking "equalization" as the standard of value, and analyzing and understanding the cooperation situation of the public transport service providers, This paper optimizes the communication mechanism, the stability of trust mechanism and the normative optimization of constraint mechanism in the process of cooperative supply of transportation public service. In order to provide a new choice for the realization of the equalization of public transport services in our country, we can optimize the elements of the cooperation process of the main body of public transport services from the perspective of equalization.
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