发布时间:2018-11-29 09:32
【摘要】: 众所周知,现代警察制度产生于欧美国家,所以,警察公共关系的理论在国外,尤其是西方发达国家有着很深的历史和现实渊源。在经历了多次警务改革之后,欧美警政人员不断加强对相关理论的研究、制度的建构、现代交叉学科运用,使得其警察公共关系制度变得更为成熟。目前的警察公共关系制度大都直接与西方理论相关。尤其在现代的警务模式下,其对警察公共关系提出了新的要求,警察公共关系在整个警察活动中的分量也得到加重。现代警务指的是无形警务、反应型警务、服务型警务、问题导向的警务、社区导向的警务模式。现代警务革命是以民主主义为基础,而不是以国家主义为基础来研究警察制度,注重警察的社会化。警察的任务、职能、职责是以民众的需要为导向,警察政策、甚至警察立法等的形成模式主要是以一种自下而上的,而不是主要以自上而下的。 虽然我国长期坚持“群众路线”,但是没有成熟的相关制度。虽然警民关系在和谐社会的构建下有所改进,但我国目前的警察公共关系现状并不乐观。国内一些学者现已经注意到警察公共关系的建设的重要性,在科研成果上表现在一些论文和著作上,但纵观其内容,较少有具体制度建构方面的成果。由于我国政治、社会制度等的本身原因,这方面的研究较晚,在经历了几千年的封建制度后,直到近代时期才有现代意义的警察制度,因此警察公共关系的研究还处于相对落后的状况,各种理论和实践都还处于发展阶段。虽然我国在几次派出所改革中警察公共关系关系有了很大发展,但还没有形成系统的警察公共关系理论和制度。因此使得十分有必要运用公共关系学、公共管理学、传播学、社会学等学科的理论对警察公共关系理论加以充实,以发挥警察这一重要的社会角色的作用,与酝酿中的第五次警务改革接轨。 全文内容共分为四部分: 第一部分为警察公共关系的内涵和外延。通过对公共关系的内涵的辨析,阐明其内容,然后再在多学科视野下以及现代警察制度的要求界定警察公共关系的定义和内涵。在警察公共关系定义基础上,对警察公共关系的对象范围和媒介形式,做一个简洁的综述。 第二部分我国警察公共关系的发展及现状。该部分是从实质意义上的警察为出发点,对我国警察公共关系从古至今的发展历程以及现状做一个梳理。 第三部分为我国警察公共关系的困境。该部分立足于我国警察公共关系的历程和现代的要求,提出警察公共关系的困境所在。主要包括以下几个困境:警察职业困境、警察公共关系组织困境、警察公共关系理论困境、警察公共关系的诉求困境、警察公共关系制度困境。 第四部分为警察公共关系的相关理论。通过对警察公共关系在具体的运用中涉及的相关理论加以介绍,以为第五部分的制度建构提供理论支持和借鉴。警察公共关系的相关理论主要包括以下几个:警察公共关系的组织结构理论、警察公共关系的导向—行销理论、警察公共关系的传播理论、警察公共关系与舆论。 第五部分我国警察公共关系制度的建构。该部分对警察公共关系的建设做了一个较全面的建构。主要从以下几个方面来建设的:1、提高警察职业声望是警察公共关系的逻辑起点。2、警察公共关系组织建设是警察公共关系的基础。3、警察公共关系制度建立和完善是警察公共关系的保障。4、警察公共关系的策略是警察公共关系的重要组成。5、警察公共关系人员的素质是警察公共关系的关键。
[Abstract]:It is well known that the modern police system is in the European and American countries, so the theory of police public relations has a deep historical and realistic origin abroad, especially in the western developed countries. After many police reform, the European and American police officers have continuously strengthened the research of the relevant theories, the construction of the system and the application of the modern cross-discipline, so that the public relations system of the police becomes more mature. The current police public relations system is mostly directly related to the western theory. In the modern police mode, especially in the modern police mode, the public relations of the police have made a new request, and the component of the police public relations in the whole police activity is also increased. The modern policing refers to the police and community-oriented police mode of the invisible police, the reaction-type police, the service-oriented police, the problem-oriented police and the community. The modern police revolution is based on democracy, rather than on the basis of nationalism, to study the police system and to pay attention to the socialization of the police. The task, function and duty of the police are to guide the people's needs, police policies, even police legislation, and so on, mainly in a bottom-up, not from top to bottom. Although our country insists on the 鈥渕ass line鈥,
[Abstract]:It is well known that the modern police system is in the European and American countries, so the theory of police public relations has a deep historical and realistic origin abroad, especially in the western developed countries. After many police reform, the European and American police officers have continuously strengthened the research of the relevant theories, the construction of the system and the application of the modern cross-discipline, so that the public relations system of the police becomes more mature. The current police public relations system is mostly directly related to the western theory. In the modern police mode, especially in the modern police mode, the public relations of the police have made a new request, and the component of the police public relations in the whole police activity is also increased. The modern policing refers to the police and community-oriented police mode of the invisible police, the reaction-type police, the service-oriented police, the problem-oriented police and the community. The modern police revolution is based on democracy, rather than on the basis of nationalism, to study the police system and to pay attention to the socialization of the police. The task, function and duty of the police are to guide the people's needs, police policies, even police legislation, and so on, mainly in a bottom-up, not from top to bottom. Although our country insists on the 鈥渕ass line鈥,