[Abstract]:Wang Lijun, 51 years old, is currently deputy director of Mengluan Forestry Public Security Bureau. Since his participation in the work of forest public security, he has participated in thousands of on-site investigations of various types of cases, participated in and directed the detection of more than 700 cases of various kinds, including more than 60 criminal cases. More than 800 criminals were captured by their comrades in arms, saving millions of yuan for the country's economic losses. Whether he is a combatant or a commander, he has worked hard at his post and has devoted a sincere heart to the cause of public security that he loves with no regrets. He has left a string of shining footprints and won the high praise of the party and the people. Has been successively three times by the county public security bureau, the province forest public security bureau notes "the individual third class meritorious service", receives the province forestry bureau to praise for two years, has been appraised as the outstanding worker for many years in succession, and has obtained "the national forestry legal system work advanced worker" the honorary title.
【作者单位】: 木兰围场林管局;
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