[Abstract]:In the process of building a harmonious society and realizing the long-term stability of the society, the police organization and its staff play a very important role. But due to the particularity of the work, the police are easy to be the focus of the public's attention, and the media has therefore shifted more from the perspective of the police to the police. In the process of shaping the image of the police, the media played an active role. But in the current social transformation period, because of the position and the concept of the police and the media, there are many contradictions between the two, and when the crisis of the police image, the media sometimes plays an important role. As the police itself, how to better seek the best fusion point of the media, effectively maintain and improve the good image of the media, has become a major subject of the police public relations development. This paper tries to compare the similarities and differences between the police and the media in the mainland and the Hong Kong area through the comparison of the basic theory of the relationship between the police and the media, and then put forward a new idea of building a harmonious relationship between the police and the media, with a view to injecting some power to the building of harmonious police relations in our country. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical analysis of the relationship between the police power and the media. First, the police power is defined, the relation between the police power and the civil rights and the abuse of the police power and the harm to the police are given. The paper also points out the role of media and its social media and the supervision of the right of the police on the media. The second chapter uses the comparison method to compare the relationship between the Hong Kong and the mainland, and sums up the situation of the police in Hong Kong. The third chapter is about how to build a harmonious police-media relationship in the Mainland of China. The present situation and the cause of the conflict are analyzed, and the particularity of the relationship between the police and the police in the incident is pointed out. The characteristics, conflicts and countermeasures of the relationship between the police and the police in the incident, and finally, according to the practice, the construction of the harmonious police
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