发布时间:2022-01-09 22:45
【文章页数】:95 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Significance
1.2.1 Theoretical significance
1.2.2 Practical significance
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Research Methodology
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review and Theoretical Basis
2.1 The concept of traffic auxiliary police
2.2 Research on job satisfaction
2.2.1 The concept of job satisfaction
2.2.2 Measurement of job satisfaction
2.3 Research on organizational commitment
2.3.1 The concept of organizational commitment
2.3.2 Measurement of organizational commitment
2.4 Research on turnover tendency
2.4.1 The concept of turnover tendency
2.4.2 Measurement of turnover tendency
2.5 Research on the relationship among job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency
2.5.1 Relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment
2.5.2 Relationship between job satisfaction and turnover tendency
2.5.3 Relationship between organizational commitment and turnover tendency
2.5.4 Relationship among job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency
2.6 Research Evaluation
2.7 Theoretical Basis
2.7.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
2.7.2 Two Factor Theory
2.7.3 Equity Theory
Chapter Ⅲ Research Design and Implementation
3.1 Research Design
3.1.1 Research questions
3.1.2 Research hypothesis
3.1.3 Research model
3.1.4 Questionnaire Design
3.2 Research Implementation
3.3 The Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Questionnaire
3.3.1 The Analysis of Reliability
3.3.2 The Analysis of Validity
Chapter Ⅳ An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship among Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.1 Demographic Analysis on the Samples
4.2 Descriptive analysis of job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.3 Difference analysis of job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city on demographic variables
4.3.1 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different genders
4.3.2 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different genders
4.3.3 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different genders
4.3.4 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different ages
4.3.5 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different ages
4.3.6 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different ages
4.3.7 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different education backgrounds
4.3.8 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different education backgrounds
4.3.9 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different education backgrounds
4.3.10 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different marital status
4.3.11 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different marital status
4.3.12 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different marital status
4.3.13 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different working years
4.3.14 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different working years
4.3.15 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different working years
4.4 Correlation Analysis of Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.4.1 Correlation analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.4.2 Correlation analysis of job satisfaction and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.4.3 Correlation analysis of organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.4.4 Correlation analysis of job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.5 Regression Analysis of Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.5.1 Regression analysis of job satisfaction and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.5.2 Regression analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.5.3 Regression analysis of organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.6 The Intermediate Role Test of Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.6.1 Testing the significant of regression coefficient c about job satisfaction on turnover tendency
4.6.2 Testing the significant of regression coefficient a about job satisfaction on organizational commitment
4.6.3 Testing the significant of regression coefficient b and c about job satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover tendency
Chapter Ⅴ Discussion of Research Results,Countermeasures and Research Prospects
5.1 Discussion of Research Results
5.1.1 Summary of results of research hypotheses
5.1.2 Analysis of Main Results
5.2 Research Countermeasures
5.2.1 Improving the work itself and creating a good working atmosphere
5.2.2 Further expanding the space for career development of the traffic auxiliary police
5.2.3 Moderately increasing the returns of the traffic auxiliary police work
5.2.4 Strengthening team building and establishing a good working environment
5.3 Research Limitations and Prospects
5.3.1 Research limitations
5.3.2 Research Prospects
[1]商业银行一线员工职业倦怠与离职倾向分析[J]. 王莉. 现代营销(下旬刊). 2018(12)
[2]公务员组织承诺的个体差异研究[J]. 李开琴,张廷君. 宜宾学院学报. 2018(11)
[3]学校变革型领导与教师组织承诺的关系研究[J]. 李玲,王建平,李欣悦. 教育学报. 2018(04)
[4]广东监狱警察工作满意度调查分析与对策研究[J]. 李伟兰. 职业技术. 2018(07)
[5]新就业大学生心理契约、组织承诺与工作满意度关系研究[J]. 郭鹏飞. 行政事业资产与财务. 2018(10)
[6]职业生涯早期员工的工作满意度、组织承诺与离职倾向关系研究[J]. 李宪印,杨博旭,姜丽萍,左文超,张宝芳. 中国软科学. 2018(01)
[7]高速交警大队辅警队伍建设存在的问题及对策[J]. 陈江淼. 道路交通管理. 2018(01)
[8]交通辅警职权范围之界定[J]. 张淼. 法制与社会. 2017(36)
[9]新形势下我国辅警队伍建设问题研究[J]. 张强. 河南司法警官职业学院学报. 2017(01)
[10]青年科技人员心理契约、工作满意度和离职倾向关系实证研究[J]. 侍敏莉. 现代商业. 2017(03)
[1]边检人员工作满意度和离职倾向研究[D]. 党新国.南昌大学 2018
[2]国有企业职工福利、工作满意度与组织承诺的关系[D]. 吴悦.首都经济贸易大学 2018
[3]高职教师职业成长、工作满意度与职业承诺的关系研究[D]. 张浩.青海师范大学 2017
[4]青年狱警工作压力、工作满意度和离职倾向关系研究[D]. 乐嘉霄.华东师范大学 2016
[5]杭州市交通协管员的工作满意度与离职倾向的关系研究[D]. 郑云涛.浙江大学 2007
【文章页数】:95 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Significance
1.2.1 Theoretical significance
1.2.2 Practical significance
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Research Methodology
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review and Theoretical Basis
2.1 The concept of traffic auxiliary police
2.2 Research on job satisfaction
2.2.1 The concept of job satisfaction
2.2.2 Measurement of job satisfaction
2.3 Research on organizational commitment
2.3.1 The concept of organizational commitment
2.3.2 Measurement of organizational commitment
2.4 Research on turnover tendency
2.4.1 The concept of turnover tendency
2.4.2 Measurement of turnover tendency
2.5 Research on the relationship among job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency
2.5.1 Relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment
2.5.2 Relationship between job satisfaction and turnover tendency
2.5.3 Relationship between organizational commitment and turnover tendency
2.5.4 Relationship among job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency
2.6 Research Evaluation
2.7 Theoretical Basis
2.7.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
2.7.2 Two Factor Theory
2.7.3 Equity Theory
Chapter Ⅲ Research Design and Implementation
3.1 Research Design
3.1.1 Research questions
3.1.2 Research hypothesis
3.1.3 Research model
3.1.4 Questionnaire Design
3.2 Research Implementation
3.3 The Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Questionnaire
3.3.1 The Analysis of Reliability
3.3.2 The Analysis of Validity
Chapter Ⅳ An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship among Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.1 Demographic Analysis on the Samples
4.2 Descriptive analysis of job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.3 Difference analysis of job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city on demographic variables
4.3.1 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different genders
4.3.2 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different genders
4.3.3 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different genders
4.3.4 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different ages
4.3.5 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different ages
4.3.6 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different ages
4.3.7 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different education backgrounds
4.3.8 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different education backgrounds
4.3.9 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different education backgrounds
4.3.10 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different marital status
4.3.11 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different marital status
4.3.12 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different marital status
4.3.13 Difference analysis of job satisfaction and its dimensions in different working years
4.3.14 Difference analysis of organizational commitment and its dimensions in different working years
4.3.15 Difference analysis of turnover tendency in different working years
4.4 Correlation Analysis of Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.4.1 Correlation analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.4.2 Correlation analysis of job satisfaction and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.4.3 Correlation analysis of organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.4.4 Correlation analysis of job satisfaction,organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.5 Regression Analysis of Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.5.1 Regression analysis of job satisfaction and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.5.2 Regression analysis of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.5.3 Regression analysis of organizational commitment and turnover tendency of the traffic auxiliary police in G city
4.6 The Intermediate Role Test of Job Satisfaction,Organizational Commitment and Turnover Tendency of the Traffic Auxiliary Police in G City
4.6.1 Testing the significant of regression coefficient c about job satisfaction on turnover tendency
4.6.2 Testing the significant of regression coefficient a about job satisfaction on organizational commitment
4.6.3 Testing the significant of regression coefficient b and c about job satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover tendency
Chapter Ⅴ Discussion of Research Results,Countermeasures and Research Prospects
5.1 Discussion of Research Results
5.1.1 Summary of results of research hypotheses
5.1.2 Analysis of Main Results
5.2 Research Countermeasures
5.2.1 Improving the work itself and creating a good working atmosphere
5.2.2 Further expanding the space for career development of the traffic auxiliary police
5.2.3 Moderately increasing the returns of the traffic auxiliary police work
5.2.4 Strengthening team building and establishing a good working environment
5.3 Research Limitations and Prospects
5.3.1 Research limitations
5.3.2 Research Prospects
[1]商业银行一线员工职业倦怠与离职倾向分析[J]. 王莉. 现代营销(下旬刊). 2018(12)
[2]公务员组织承诺的个体差异研究[J]. 李开琴,张廷君. 宜宾学院学报. 2018(11)
[3]学校变革型领导与教师组织承诺的关系研究[J]. 李玲,王建平,李欣悦. 教育学报. 2018(04)
[4]广东监狱警察工作满意度调查分析与对策研究[J]. 李伟兰. 职业技术. 2018(07)
[5]新就业大学生心理契约、组织承诺与工作满意度关系研究[J]. 郭鹏飞. 行政事业资产与财务. 2018(10)
[6]职业生涯早期员工的工作满意度、组织承诺与离职倾向关系研究[J]. 李宪印,杨博旭,姜丽萍,左文超,张宝芳. 中国软科学. 2018(01)
[7]高速交警大队辅警队伍建设存在的问题及对策[J]. 陈江淼. 道路交通管理. 2018(01)
[8]交通辅警职权范围之界定[J]. 张淼. 法制与社会. 2017(36)
[9]新形势下我国辅警队伍建设问题研究[J]. 张强. 河南司法警官职业学院学报. 2017(01)
[10]青年科技人员心理契约、工作满意度和离职倾向关系实证研究[J]. 侍敏莉. 现代商业. 2017(03)
[1]边检人员工作满意度和离职倾向研究[D]. 党新国.南昌大学 2018
[2]国有企业职工福利、工作满意度与组织承诺的关系[D]. 吴悦.首都经济贸易大学 2018
[3]高职教师职业成长、工作满意度与职业承诺的关系研究[D]. 张浩.青海师范大学 2017
[4]青年狱警工作压力、工作满意度和离职倾向关系研究[D]. 乐嘉霄.华东师范大学 2016
[5]杭州市交通协管员的工作满意度与离职倾向的关系研究[D]. 郑云涛.浙江大学 2007